Wednesday 10 July 2013

"And My servant does not draw closer to a practice with more I love than to fulfill the obligation that I charge him ..."
For The obligation of Faith
Allah ta'ala says,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون
"O ye who believe, has been obliged to you for fasting, as required to those before you in order that you be cautious." (Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 183)
Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullah said, "Fasting Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam. This is the position (noble) in the religion of Islam. The statute is mandatory based on ijma '/ agreement of the Muslims as Al-Kitab and Sunnah indicate so. "(Sharh Riyadhush Righteous, 3/380)
As explained in the above paragraph he says, "God directs his talk (in this paragraph, pen) to those who believe. Because of Ramadan fasting is part of the consequence of faith. And with Ramadan fasting would increase one's perfect faith. And also due to leave Ramadan fasting would reduce faith. The scholars differ about the person who does not fast because belittle or lazy, is he kafir or not? However, the correct opinion stating that the person is not pagan. Because it is not someone dikafirkan for leaving one of the pillars of Islam than two sentences creed and prayer. "(Sharh Riyadhush Righteous, 3/380-381)
Fulfilling the obligation is very primary worship, because it is the obligation of deeds most loved by Allah. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to bring the word of Allah Ta'ala (in the hadith Qudsi),
وما تقرب إلي عبدي بشيء أحب إلي مما افترضت عليه
"And My servant does not draw closer to a practice with more I love than to fulfill the obligation that I charge him ..." (Narrated by Bukhari [6502] from Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu)
An-Nawawi said, "In this hadith there is a theorem which shows that the main work is more liability than working on the practice of the Sunnah." (Sharh An-Nawawi li Arba'in printed in Ad-Durrah As-Salafi, p. 265)
Shaykh As-Sa'di said, "In this hadith there is a very great principal that liability should matters come before the Sunnah. And he also pointed out that the compulsory charity is more beloved to Allah and more reward. "(Al-Qulub Bahjat Al-Abrar, p. 116)
Al-Hafiz said, "From here may be a lesson that fulfill charitable obligations is most loved by Allah." (Fath al-Bari, 11/388)
Prof Shaikh. Dr.. Ibrahim Al-Ruhaili Hafizhahullah said, "Charities mandatory precedence over the Sunnah deeds. Perform the obligatory charity is more beloved to Allah than performing charitable sunnah. This is the subject of the glorious religion demonstrated by the postulates of Shari'ah and stipulated also by the scholars of the Salaf. "Then he mentioned the hadith above. After that he said, "So this hadith gives a very clear designation that the deeds shall be more glorious and more beloved to Allah than the sunnah deeds." Then he quoting words Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar above (see tajrid Al-Ittiba ' Al-Bayan fi Tafadhul A'maal, p. 34)
[2] The virtue shaum
"By the One who is my soul in His hand, really bad breath fasting person is more fragrant to Allah than the fragrance of kasturi oil ..."
Eliminating Sins
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
من صام رمضان إيمانا واحتسابا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه
"Whoever fasts Ramadan because of faith and expecting reward, will be forgiven his sins are past." (Narrated by Bukhari [38, 1901, 2014] and Muslim [760] of the Companions Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu)
The definition of faith here is the obligatory fasting believe that he did. While the definition of expected reward / ihtisab is the desire to have children a reward from Allah ta'ala (Fath Al-Bari, 4/136)
An-Nawawi said that the popular opinion among the scholars of fiqh experts claim that the unforgivable sins by doing that Ramadan fasting is not small sins major sins (see Al-Minhaj, 4/76). It was as stated in the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radhiyallahu'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
الصلوات الخمس والجمعة إلى الجمعة ورمضان إلى رمضان مكفرات ما بينهن إذا اجتنب الكبائر
"Prayer five times a day. Friday worship to worship the one next Friday. Fasting Ramadan is the fasting of Ramadan to the next. It's all a sin between them, as long as major sins shunned. "(Narrated by Muslim [233])
In the book Shahihnya, Bukhari made a chapter entitled 'Prayer five times a day as a sin' then he mentioned a similar hadith, Abu Hurayrah from the Prophet said radhiyallahu'anhu,
أرأيتم لو أن نهرا بباب أحدكم يغتسل فيه كل يوم خمسا ما تقول ذلك يبقي من درنه قالوا لا يبقي من درنه شيئا قال فذلك مثل الصلوات الخمس يمحو الله به الخطايا
"What do you think about if there is a river at the door of your house and there she was bathing five times a day. Is there still a residual dirt left behind him? "The friend replied," Of course there is no more dirt is still ditingalkan him. "So he said," Such is the parable of the five daily prayers can take away sins. "(Narrated by Bukhari [ 528] and Muslim [667])
Ibn Hajar said, "This hadeeth indicates that Zahir is a sin here is more expansive than the small sin or big sin. But Ibn Baththal said, 'From this hadith it is concluded that it is meant specifically minor sins, because the Prophet equate sin with dirt on the body. While the dirt on the body obviously smaller in size compared with the scar or human filth. '"
Nevertheless, Ibn Hajar Ibn Baththal denied saying this by stating that what is meant by the hadith is not just a minor impurities attached to the body, but it is meant heavy dirt really is attached to the body. This interpretation is supported by the history of other sounds presented by Al-Bazzar and Ath-Thabrani from the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri by sanad la ba'sa bihi that explicitly mentioning it.
That is why Al-Qurtubi said, "Zahir This hadith shows that performing the five daily prayers because that is the elimination of sins, but the meaning is awkward. But there is another hadith narrated by Muslim from the narrative before Al-Alla 'from Abu Hurairah in marfu' The Prophet said, 'Prayer is a five-time sin among the prayers for the sins of the shunned.' Based on the argument that muqayyad (specifically) is the other hadiths muthlaq (general) must be interpreted to the meaning of this. "(see Fath al-Bari, 2/15)
Hadiths that mention of the removal of sin because of his good deeds over the content according to the word of Allah Ta'ala,
إن الحسنات يذهبن السيئات
"Verily, the good deeds that will take away sins." (Qur'an Huud [11]: 114)
Ibn Kathir said, "Allah said that doing the good deeds will be able to wash away the sins of the past ..." (Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Azhim, 4/247). Shaykh As-Sa'di explained that the reference to the sins in the paragraph above are minor sins (Taisir Al-Karim Al-Rahman, p. 391)
As God also makes action forsake sin as the cause of the abolition of minor sins. Allah says,
إن تجتنبوا كبائر ما تنهون عنه نكفر عنكم سيئاتكم وندخلكم مدخلا كريما
"If you avoid the major sins that are prohibited to you certainly We will destroy your small sins and we will enter you into a glorious place (heaven)." (Surat An-Nisa '[4]: 31)
Shaykh As-Sa'di explained that the most appropriate definition for sin is any offense given special penalty (hadd) in the world or the threat of punishment in the afterlife or eliminated certain status or the emergence of faith or God's wrath therefore anathema to him (Taisir Al -Karim Al-Rahman, p. 176).
Ali bin Abi Talhah Ibn Abbas narrated the words above the word of God. Ibn Abbas said, "Sin is any great sin that led to the threat of hell, wrath, damnation, or torment." (Narrated by Ibn Jarir, Ibn Kathir mentioned in his Tafseer, 2/202)
Ibn Abi Hatim said: Abu Zur'ah told us: Uthman bin Syaibah told us: Jarir told us history of Mughirah. He (Mughirah) said, "The actions of Abu Bakr and Umar denounced radhiyallahu'anhuma also includes a great sin." Ibn Kathir said, "A group of scholars even argue polytheists who denounced friend, this is an opinion narrated from Malik ibn Anas may Allaah have mercy." Muhammad bin Sirin said, "I do not think that there is nobody who dropped the name of Abu Bakr and Umar while he was a person who loved the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam." (Reported by At-Tirmidhi). (See this in Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Azhim, 2/203)
Qatadah said about the meaning of the verse, "God only promises forgiveness for those who avoid major sins." (Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Azhim, 2/203)
Including large parts of avoid sin is to constantly fulfill the obligations that when left mired in sins big culprit as well as the daily prayers, Friday prayer leave, or leave the Ramadan fast (Taisir Al-Karim Al-Rahman, p. 176)
Insert into In Heaven
Talha bin Ubaidullah radhiyallahu'anhu reports that once when there was a Bedouin man came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in a state of disheveled hair. He says,
"O Messenger of Allah. Tell me about the prayer that God enjoined to do? "
He answered, "Prayer five times a day, but if you want to add to the sunnah prayers."
Then he said, "Tell me that God enjoined fasting for me?"
He answered, "Fasting in the month of Ramadan, unless you want to add to the sunnah fasting."
Then he said, "Tell me which Allah enjoined Zakat for me."
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was telling him sharia-Islamic law. The man then said, "By the One who has glorified you with the truth. I will not add at all, and I'm also not going to reduce freight iota of obligation that Allah charge to me. "
Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said, "He's lucky if he is honest."
Or he says, "He would go to heaven if he really honest / consistent with what she said." (Narrated by Bukhari [46, 1891, 2678, and 9656] and Muslim [11]).
Fortify Culprit Of Deeds Poor
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
الصيام جنة فلا يرفث ولا يجهل وإن امرؤ قاتله أو شاتمه فليقل إني صائم مرتين والذي نفسي بيده لخلوف فم الصائم أطيب عند الله تعالى من ريح المسك يترك طعامه وشرابه وشهوته من أجلي الصيام لي وأنا أجزي به والحسنة بعشر أمثالها
"Fasting is a shield, then let him say dirty and act dumb. If there are people who criticize or berate him he should say to him, 'I am fasting. "Twice. By the One who is my soul in His hand, really bad breath fasting person is more fragrant to Allah than the fragrance of kasturi oil. (God said) 'He willingly left his food, drink and desires for my lust. Fasting is for Me, and I will personally respond. "Every kindness was certainly multiplied ten times." (Narrated by Bukhari [1894] of the Companions Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu)
The definition of obscenity (rofats) in this hadith is that vile speech. Said rofats also sometimes meant to refer jima 'with introductory-introduction. Or it could be a broader meaning than it all (Fath Al-Bari, 4/123)
Al-Qurtubi explains that this does not mean in addition to the time fasting person should utter obscenities. It's just that when you're fasting then ban against it getting louder and more assertive (Fath Al-Bari, 4/124)
Jima rofats word with the meaning 'can be seen in the verse,
أحل لكم ليلة الصيام الرفث إلى نسائكم
"Permitted to you on the night (moon) fasting do rafats (jima ') to your wives." (Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 187)
Ibn Kathir explains that rofats word in this verse means is jima '. This is the interpretation of Ibn Abbas, Atha ', Mujahid, Sa'id bin Jubair, Thawus, Salim bin Abdullah, Amr ibn Dinar, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, Az-Zuhri, Adh-Dhahhaak, Ibrahim An-Nakha'I, As-Suddi , Atha 'Al-Khurasani, and Muqatil bin Hayan (see Tafsir al-Qur'an al-' Azhim, 1/286)
And that is with bad breath who are fasting is bad breath caused by the fasting, not for other reasons (Fath Al-Bari, 4/125).
While the definition of 'desire lust' in this hadith is the desire to berjima ', because penyebutannya coupled with eating and drinking (Fath Al-Bari, 4/126)
A Special Door in Heaven
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
إن في الجنة بابا يقال له الريان يدخل منه الصائمون يوم القيامة لا يدخل منه أحد غيرهم يقال أين الصائمون فيقومون لا يدخل منه أحد غيرهم فإذا دخلوا أغلق فلم يدخل منه أحد
"Verily in Paradise there is a door called Ar-Royyan. Diligent people who fasted will enter Paradise through it on the Day of Resurrection. No one besides entering them. Called to them, 'Which people are diligent fasting?' So they got up. No one entered through the door than their class. And if they all had entered, the door was locked so that no one can through it ... "(Narrated by Bukhari [1896] from Sahl radhiyallahu'anhu)
What is meant in the hadith that diligently fasting is not the only person working on fasting and prayers, because people like this will not enter heaven due to their disbelief (the daily prayers, pen). But the question is that many Muslims-many fast then he is called to through the door. So that every inhabitants of Paradise will enter Paradise through the doors of eight (see Sharh Riyadhush Righteous by Ibn 'Uthaymeen, 3/388-389)
Each door in heaven having specificity. It was as preached by the Prophet in the hadith,
من أنفق زوجين في سبيل الله نودي من أبواب الجنة يا عبد الله هذا خير فمن كان من أهل الصلاة دعي من باب الصلاة ومن كان من أهل الجهاد دعي من باب الجهاد ومن كان من أهل الصيام دعي من باب الريان ومن كان من أهل الصدقة دعي من باب الصدقة فقال أبو بكر رضي الله عنه بأبي أنت وأمي يا رسول الله ما على من دعي من تلك الأبواب من ضرورة فهل يدعى أحد من تلك الأبواب كلها قال نعم وأرجو أن تكون منهم
"Whoever berinfak with a pair of their wealth in the way of Allah then he will be called from the gates of Paradise, 'O servant of Allah, this is good." So people who are professionals prayers then he will be called from the door of prayer. People who are professionals jihad jihad will be called from the door. People who are professionals fasts will be called from the Ar-Royyan. And people who are professionals alms charity will be called from the door. "
When Abu Bakr heard this hadith was asked, "My father and mother as ransom you O Messenger of Allah. What else will be sought by those who are called from the doors, could anyone be called from all those doors? "So he replied," Yes there is. And I wish you belonged to them. "(Narrated by Bukhari [1897 and 3666] of the Companions Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu)
Al-Qadi Al-Harawi quoting words when explaining the meaning of 'a treasure': Some argue that what is meant by 'a treasure' is two horses, two slaves, or two camels (Al-Minhaj by An-Nawawi, 4 / 351). While the definition of berinfak in the way of Allah in the hadith berinfak to include all forms of good deeds, not just specifically for jihad (al-Minhaj, 4/352).
This hadith also indicates that everyone who labor will be called from the door, respectively. This is supported by the hadith of the other lines also from Abu Hurayrah that express it explicitly, the Prophet said,
لكل عامل باب من أبواب الجنة يدعى منه بذلك العمل
"For every person who labor there is a special door in the heaven which he will be called through the door because the charity has done." (Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Abi Syaibah with sanad sahih, Al-Hafiz said in Fath Al-Bari, 7 / 30)
This hadith also shows how lofty position of Abu Bakr radhiyallahu'anhu. Because the Prophet said at the end of this hadith, "And I wish you belonged to them-that is, those who were called from all the gates of heaven-." Scholars say that the expectation of Allah or His Prophet certainly happens. With this statement the above hadith including hadith category that shows the virtue of Abu Bakr radhiyallahu'anhu. This hadith also shows that how few people are able to collect a variety of charitable goodness in him (Fath Al-Bari, 7/31).
Abu Bakr was the one who had various forms of good deeds and obedience. This was evident as mentioned in the following hadith.
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من أصبح منكم اليوم صائما قال أبو بكر أنا قال فمن تبع منكم اليوم جنازة قال أبو بكر أنا قال فمن أطعم منكم اليوم مسكينا قال أبو بكر أنا قال فمن عاد منكم اليوم مريضا قال أبو بكر أنا فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ما اجتمعن في امرئ إلا دخل الجنة
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam asked (to his Companions), "Which one of you is fasting today?". Abu Bakr said, "I am." He asked again, "Who among you today are to accompany the corpse?" Then Abu Bakr said, "I am." He again asked, "Which one of you that today feed the poor ? ". Then Abu Bakr said, "I do." Then he asked again, "Who among you has today visited the sick." Abu Bakar back saying, "I do." Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said, "It is not characteristic Distinctive was collected in a person but he will definitely go to heaven. "(Narrated by Muslim [1027 and 1028] of the Companions Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu)
Abu Bakr Al-Muzani comment on friend Abu Bakr al-Siddiq radhiyallahu'anhu, "It is not that beyond the Abu Bakr Companions of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam (solely) because (many) working on fasting or prayer, but because of something that resides in his heart. "Commenting on the speech of Al-Muzani, Ibn 'Aliyah said," Something that dwells in the heart is the love of God' Almighty and attitudes toward counsel (fellow) of His creatures. "(Jami 'al - 'Ulum wa al-Hikam by Ibn Rajab, p. 102)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
ألا وإن في الجسد مضغة إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله ألا وهي القلب
"Behold, verily in the body there is a piece of meat. If he is good, will let the whole body. And if it is damaged, corrupted the whole body. Know that it is the heart of a piece of meat. "(Narrated by Bukhari [52] and Muslim [1599] of the Companions An-Nu'man bin Bashir radhiyallahu'anhuma)
Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said, "In this hadith there is a sign indicating that the good gestures of human limbs, her willingness to stay away from the forbidden matters, its ability to leave things that smell doubtful (unclear) is highly dependent on his gestures. If his net, that when in it is none other than the love of God and love of what is loved by Allah, fear Allah and fear plunged into the things that hated Him, it would undoubtedly be better the movements of the whole limbs. From there grew an attitude away from all sorts of uncleanness and attitude keeping away from doubtful matters to shy away from things that are forbidden ... "(Jami 'al-' Ulum wa al-Hikam, p. 93)
An-Nawawi said, "This hadeeth indicates that assertion seriously in an effort to improve and protect the liver from damage." (Al-Minhaj, 6/108)
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen said that one of the important lessons to be learned from the above hadith is, "well shaft and damage to (practice) is sourced from the heart. If the heart is good then the whole body would also be nice. And if it is damaged, then the whole body will be damaged. From this emerged faidah other cases, namely: should pay attention to matters of the heart is more than a charity concerned with the issue of limbs. Because the liver is the axis of the practice. And the heart that is later on the Day of Resurrection will be the main object of the test is intended to humans. It as the word of the Almighty (which means), "Do not they know that when the body was in the tomb was raised and issued what is hidden in the chest." (Surat Al-'Adiyat: 9-10) . Allah ta'ala also says (which means): "Verily, He is the Almighty to restore it. On the day that will be tested are hidden matters (in the heart). "(Surat Ath-Tariq: 8-9). Then purify your hearts of shirk, kebid'ahan, envy and hatred to the Muslims, and (clean up your hearts) of morality-moral and other beliefs that are contrary to the shari'ah, because the subject matter is all heart. "(Sharh Arba 'in, p. 113)
He also said, "If God in His Book, and His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the Sunnah has also confirmed that the intention of fixing, then it is obligatory for every man to repair his intention and attention to the doubts that are embedded in the his heart and then cut off by him towards faith. So how do I? "
He continued, "It can be done by looking at the verses. Allah Almighty says (which means): "Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of day and night are truly the signs of God for the people who use reasoning." (Surat Ali 'Imran: 190). Allah also says (which means): "Verily in the heavens and on earth really are the signs of God for those who believe, as well as in the creation of yourselves and the animals are reptiles that were scattered signs of Allah for the those who believe. "(Surat Al-Jathiyah: 4). So please pay attention to the verses of Allah to another. "
"Then when the devil whispers in your heart of doubt, consider the verses of Allah, consider this universe who has set it up, consider how circumstances can change, how God mempergilirkan day trip among mankind until you actually believe that nature has a regulator that all-wise (ie Allah) 'Almighty ... "(Sharh Riyadhush Righteous, 1/41)
Author: Abu Mushlih Ari Wahyudi article

From the article: 'Greatness Fasting Ramadan - Muslim.Or.Id'...


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