Monday, 27 May 2013


Verily thou O Muhammad virtuous noble character "Surah Al-Qalam (68); 4

This title may make you bite firmly molars, pal. You `future created as being the most perfect and most OK arrangements ordered a coconut tree which does not have the intellect and mind.

Cor ... not the purpose of this title, pal, but ...

Friend, if we do an observation of the coconut tree, surely we will find that it is super nutritious coconut tree aka all 'members' palm trees it is beneficial to humans. Starting from the leaves and mats made of sticks; fruit is eaten; trunk made building materials, and its roots are said to be made of drugs or at least be used for firewood. Even 'bluluknya' could be made toys. Masyaallah ...

So what to do in order to be a coconut tree?

Mate, so should we. We need to always do berakhlaqul karimah for others. Do not get us in an environment where people are like garbage and sickening disease. We as a people of Muhammad sas. must demonstrate that Islam is noble mind and character. Do not let it caused us denigrated Islam and not dimaui people around us, even though fate in the hands of God. But on the contrary, all our behavior should attract public sympathy that they want to embrace Islam, the religion of the prophets and apostles, though-once again-in the hands of God's guidance.

Commander of the Faithful 'Umar bin Khattab ra., Has provided a good example to us, that as the supreme leader of Muslims, it is very high attitude. He's very suave with people, although non-Muslims. So because of his mind and character, a Jewish convert to Islam and his mewaqafkan land for the construction of the mosque at the same time.

Yes ... that's the nature of human faith. Wherever he is and whatever position he will try to provide benefits to people around him; at home as a parent or a child, in school as a student or teacher, in the study as participants or speakers, in the work place as a boss or an employee, and in any he was.

Mate, to be a faithful man whose noble character alias berakhalaqul karimah so always bring benefits to the people around us, we must learn the guidelines. What is that? As the verses that have been ane mentioned earlier, the Prophet sas. is a very noble mind and character. Ummul Mu'mineen 'A'ishah. said that the morality of the Prophet was the Quran. So with that, we must study the Al-Qur `an and explore the twists and turns of his life contained in the hadith and sirah nabawiyah him, so that we become virtuous man aka berakhlaqul karimah and useful to society. Good luck!

So be willing to donk coconut tree?


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