Remembering Ustadz Abdullah Wasi'an
debater The Evangelist.
By Hartono Ahmad Jaiz *
Ustadz Abdullah Wasi'an (94), an expert in the case denied evangelist, passed away on Wednesday (16 February 2011 M / 13 Rabi al-Awwal 1432 H) at his home, Housing Rewwin Road, Wedoro, Sidoarjo, East Java. based in Surabaya preaching, before being called Allah, Abdullah Wasi'an known to be very prolific writing and work. According to M Mashud (40) a young kristolog from Surabaya, although he was 94 years old, still productive late writing books on Christology.
Among his books are very popular in the community is; "100 Answers to Missionaries", "Answer to Pastor", "Prophet Muhammad in the Book", "Pastor blasphemy, Kiai Answer".
According Mashud, during the deceased continued to write, even with the aid of a magnifying tool (round-handled magnifying glass, as shown in the symbol search in the computer, nm) and a battered typewriter (and his seat was on the floor, nm).
"He has the eyes of limitations. Even with limited means, he still writes assisted magnifying glass and an ancient typewriter, "he said
To commemorate the deceased in his day always seemed nglesot (sitting without a chair) on the floor in front of the battered typewriter holding a magnifying glass in order to be able to type text, we scaled back following article we wrote in 1999 and renewed deals with the death of Ustadz Abdullah Wasi'an , in February 2011. This is to show, how true what is faced by Muslims in Indonesia need people like him.
This is a fact and data suffering Muslims in threats and rundungan apostasy, but beyond that there are some leaders who claims Islam actually pave the way treason and apostasy:
Christianization Insulting Islam
When Suharto's New Order triumphed, many officials who do not want to know when informed of proselytizing and apostasy occurred everywhere in remote corners of Indonesia. But after removing the book Facts and Data (set of reports from Media Magazine Issue Da'wa Islamic Da'wah Council of Indonesia in Jakarta), all parties stunned and convinced that the missionaries have been working hard zending convert Muslims blindly. However keterperangahan on dimurtadkannya number of Muslims here and there is not accompanied by policies that protect Muslims completely. Then there was a painful sight for the Islamic Ummah. Strategic places and settlements of Muslims suddenly popping up in the middle of the church. Though the surrounding population is Muslim, with Islamic custom. Inner war sentiment and was buried in the heart with a variety of flavors.
In the confused soul who struck and suppress the Muslims, instead often appear eccentric Islamists (odd), more defend people and disbelievers palangis attention than fellow Muslims. Even though the hero palangis defenders sitting in Islam jum'iyah feel uncomfortable with a Muslim moans voiced verse "Walan tardho ...":
ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم قل إن هدى الله هو الهدى ولئن اتبعت أهواءهم بعد الذي جاءك من العلم ما لك من الله من ولي ولا نصير ([البقرة / 120] 120.
Jews and Christians will not be pleased to you until you follow their religion. Say: "Verily Allah clues that hint (true)". And verily if thou follow their desires after the knowledge came unto you, that God is no longer the protector and helper for you. (Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 120)
Still dikumandangkannya paragraph walan tardho ... by preachers everywhere, old-old defender made the heat of the ear palangis it. Until officially in the jum'iyah conference in West Java in 1994 (precisely in Pesaantren Cipasung), he loudly against those who voiced verse walan tardho with how to interpret the verse that specifically limited the Aqeedah (belief). Not the other. Defense against the infidels and also penyelewengannya in menafsiri verses of the Qur'an, otherwise he taubati then taken to the death, which seems to have preceded Mr. Abdullah Wasi'an. Instead Mr. Abdullah Wasi'an who defended the verse in a way denied the evangelists and apologists and defenders enlighten Muslims about dimurtadkan do not want to, God willing, bring lunch charity that anyway.
Muslim-Christian clashes
Not long ago, there was commotion everywhere between Islam and Christianity. Of which Muslims were killed and the mosque / mushollanya burned by Catholics in Dili, East Timor in 1994, the Christians in Maumere NTT burning and killing of Muslims trying 1995. Situbondo events in Surabaya and East Java, 1996, Tasikmalaya, 1997, Ketapang and Sambas Ambon and Kupang and 1999. (See Dialog Friday, August 6, 1999). Last to commit the killings, over and over again that in Ambon, since Idul Fitri 1419H / January 1999m, repeated July to now (writing this manuscript, Saturday, 28/8 1999m, 17/5 1420H, updated Thursday, February 17, 2011/14 Rabi 'ul Awwal 1432H with respect to the death of KH Abdullah wasi'an, Wednesday, 16 Februari 2011/13 Rabbi ul Awwal 1432H) ..
At the time Muslims are very concerned about the incessant proselytizing, were screams of Muslims ignored it, instead of the New Order officials and sycophants, many of which boast Pancasila speech. They say, that thanks to Pancasila, the Indonesian our country despite different religions but relatively safest in the world.
Pancasila is such idolatry that time. In Ambon, they said at the time, the Muslim community helped build the church, being a Christian did the opposite, helping also building the mosque. That's thanks to Pancasila, he said anyway.
Boasted-boasted that has been issued by their mouths was later reversed by God. Supposedly, when the religious wars such as in Ambon, (preceded by attacks of the Christians against the Muslim Eid fitting 1419H / January 19, 1999 then), they should announce apology and revoke his remarks that have been out of line flatters the first Pancasila. They should have apologized a thousand sorry, most likely decline adzab with various crises and turmoil in Indonesia, the impudence of them due their mouths that have been undermining Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His laws, they are replaced with artificial idols. But no. Another story. To be proud of then is that the faction is the interfaith group. When Muslims are killed, then they are silent, because there was no link anything. It's just that if someone palangis killed, they come screaming, because as a person who berfaham interfaith.
They regard apostasy small
Moreover, only Christianity, proselytizing to Muslims; person whose name lives of Muslims were slaughtered by their knowledge they do not feel anything. That's the situation. Arab proverb says, even though the body was not feeling hurt. That is, the heart is dead, who had no contact at all with Islam, although Islam was destroyed, they still do not feel anything, like a corpse, so be it.
Books and lying to the Christianization of the Prophet
At a time when the palangis know very well that the people who have been so greedy for positions if the corpses in front of his religion (Islam) does not matter anymore that alias, it is used it is considered a good chance to ensnare Muslims. Ditulislah books and slebaran who deceive Muslims, Islam clicking despicable, but wearing the label of Islam.
They are more daring openly to Christianity even more heinous, they use Al-Quran and Hadith to justify their heresy. Obviously with distort Islamic teachings, to deceive Muslims. Movement under the guise of preaching Christianity, brotherhood and shirathal mustaqim intensified.
Christianization movement cunning and cruel dikordinasi Nehemiah Foundation, spearheaded by Dr. Susadi Ben Abraham, Kholil Dinata, and Drs Poernama Winangun aka H Amos. They have released several books including:
1. Haji Jama ceremony
2. Saving verses
3. Isa alaihis salam in Islamic View
4. Brief History Heritage Heritage Prophet Muhammad.
5. Fostering Religious Harmony
6. Secrets Way to Heaven
7. Who is called God?
Contents of books and brochures are very insulting Islam, among them:
* Ceremony Hajj is closed idolatry.
* Islam religion exclusively for Arabs, Al-Quran holy book of the Arabs, the Prophet Muhammad prophet for the Arabs who teach pe worship idols and would not survive in the hereafter.
* God of Islam is a black stone (Black Stone).
* Prayer time is very chaotic and Al-Quran is irrelevant. - Prophet Muhammad raping underage girls.
* Al-Quran for the Devil, instructions Gospel for Muslims being faithful.
* Father of Jesus is Allah Subhanahu wata'ala.
* All the people go to hell except Christians.
* Prophet Muhammad died bequeath Gospels.
* Khadija, wife of Prophet Muhammad are Christians.
That's among the vile accusations and lies. Christianization in the Reformation is not just apostasy is affecting, but until insulting and defaming Islam by printing books that tarnish the sanctity of Islam and various malicious attempt. Even to rape women and then dimurtadkan, as happened in Padang West Sumatra. Vile accusations and insults against Islam and even then continued and propagated them in Waterford Central Java, until a case of Waterford Februarai 2011.
The news as follows:
Reverend Anthony Hina Islam, PicuKerusuhandi Waterford
Christian books are distributed in the Rev. Antonius, Black Stone abused as a symbol of the vagina (vulva); monument Jamarat in Mina despised as a symbol of the male genitalia.
Black Stone is a black stone that was in one corner of the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque. Kaaba and Haram aswadnya beat, even the city of Makkah is a holy place Muslims worldwide. But pastors located in Pondok Kopi Jakarta was spread Christian books at Waterford Central Java that it considers the symbol of Hajar Aswad female genitalia. preach, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2010, Reverend Anthony staying at his brother's house in the hamlet Acquaintances, Village / District Kranggan, Waterford County. He was just an overnight stay in place to continue the journey to Magelang. But when the day is used for distributing books and leaflets writing insulting Muslims.
In the village, the pastor was born 58 years ago deploy two books titled "My Lord Fooled Me" and the book "Men Need Sponsors (Sponsor 3, 3 and 3 Results Agenda)" which is full of Muslim harassment, among others: insulting Allah and the Prophet Muhammad as a liar; pilgrimage is a symbol of filth of Islam, the Black Stone is the symbol of the-sorry-vagina; monument Jamarat in Mina is-sorry-a symbol of the male genitals; Muslims at Friday prayers in the mosque to worship the god of the Moon because in the dome of the mosque there is a moon-star symbol; ruthless and cruel religion of Islam, and many more other insults. Even more misleading again, Reverend Anthony quoting the verses of the Qur'an in these blasphemies.
The case was then processed to court, then raised a riot
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2011, due to mass disappointment, all that insult Islam insult, but only required 5 years in prison. (, Reverend Anthony Hina Islam, Triggers Riots in Waterford, February 9, 20113:52 am,
Refutation of nasty accusations
The heinous allegations need to be proven, and we quote the following rebuttal as necessary, to show how cunning and their rotten.
Hajj accused of idolatry closed, the vile accusations. Not bolehnya non-Muslims to Mecca not to cover the Hajj rites. And the pilgrimage was no idolatry, as alleged by H Amos. But not bolehnya non-Muslims to the Haram was a direct order from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in Al-Quranul kariem,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إنما المشركون نجس فلا يقربوا المسجد الحرام بعد عامهم هذا
[التوبة / 28]
which means: "O you who believe, indeed the polytheists are unclean, so let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year." (Surat At-Tawbah [9]: 28)
Allegations that the Hajj ceremony closed, it is also contrary to the fact, as shown also to many countries in the world through television. Proven no idol worship in the ritual pilgrimage, and not closed as charged by the abominable.
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam accused only apostle to the Arabs, and will not survive in the hereafter. The charges were very nasty. Because God has been confirmed in the Qur'an
وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين [الأنبياء / 107]
which means: "And We have not sent thee (Muhammad) but a mercy to the worlds." (Surat al-Anbiya '[21]: 107)
وما أرسلناك إلا كافة للناس بشيرا ونذيرا ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون [سبأ / 28]
"And We have sent thee (Muhammad) but to all mankind as a warning, but most people do not know." (Surah Saba '[34]: 28)
إن هو إلا ذكر للعالمين [التكوير / 27]
"Al-Quran is a reminder to the worlds." (Surat at-Takwir [81]: 27, and QS. Al-Qalam [68]: 52)
وأنزلنا إليك الذكر لتبين للناس ما نزل إليهم ولعلهم يتفكرون [النحل / 44]
"And We sent down the Quran unto you (Muhammad) so that you may explain to mankind, what is revealed to them, so they think". (Surat an-Nahl [16]: 44)
ما كان محمد أبا أحد من رجالكم ولكن رسول الله وخاتم النبيين وكان الله بكل شيء عليما [الأحزاب / 40]
"Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the prophets cover. And Allah is Knowing of all things. "(Surat al-Ahzaab [33]: 40)
Allegations about the Prophet Muhammad did not survive in the hereafter it should be recited prayers, the vile accusations anyway. Can be compared with the state that infants who die without sin situation. He must have survived, will go to heaven. However, infants who died was still disholati, dido'akan, and buried in accordance with Islamic rules. Unlike animal burial. People who mensholati, mendo'akan, and bury this baby will get the reward.
To infants who have not only contributed to pray, much less to a Prophet who has been a boon to mankind. It is just right in terms of religion and reason which will accept.
Accusations that Islam teaches idolatry black stone called Black Stone, it charges a very vile and cunning. H Amos twist the facts, regarded as sacred Black Stone is left after 359 idols were destroyed, quoting Bukhari hadith without text. Amos H turns out lie, because the Black Stone is not including idols. Text Bukhari Hadith number 832,
عن ابن عباس - رضى الله عنهما - قال إن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - لما قدم أبى أن يدخل البيت وفيه الآلهة فأمر بها فأخرجت فأخرجوا صورة إبراهيم وإسماعيل فى أيديهما الأزلام فقال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - «قاتلهم الله أما والله قد علموا أنهما لم يستقسما بها قط ». فدخل البيت, فكبر فى نواحيه, ولم يصل فيه.
terjemahnya: From Ibn Abbas RA, he said: "When the Prophet first arrived in Makkah, he was reluctant about to go inside the Kaaba as many statues. He ordered that the statues were put out of it, then they removed everything including sculpture and Islmail Prophet Ibrahim who was holding azlam (tool for raffle). Seeing that the Prophet SAW said: "Cursed is making the statue! By Allah! Surely they know that they never did toss with azlam, never. "Then he goes into the Kaaba, then Takbir on every corner and prayer when he was in it." (Saheeh Al-Bukhari number 832).
Allegations about the prayer time was very chaotic, it charges very absurd. Accusers bring into the verses with Hadith Bukhari, without going to understand. Surah Al-Israa ': 78 and QS Huud: 114 dibentrokkan with Bukhari Hadith number 211, then commented that used Hadith, not the Qur'an. Then charged with disorderly. In fact, if you want to understand the verses and the hadith means that everything is the obligatory prayers five times a day, ie Shubuh, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha '.
Prophet Muhammad was accused of raping underage girls, it is very insulting accusations.
The accusation only shows extreme hatred, and not be able to give evidence about the ban on marrying the girl in the age limit. Though the age of 9 years as a starting Aisha invited home by the Prophet after he married at the age of 6 years, there is no prohibition. Meanwhile, Arab girls were age 9 years was probably once menstruation, meaning adults. So the charges were just blind hatred, and humiliation unequaled. Astaghfirullaahal 'adhiem ...
Other allegations as stated above with the same value that has been denied this: all these are lies, hatred, cunning, and contempt highly inappropriate raised by civilized people.
Cut his hands, his feet, and his eyes pried
Tigkah evil people who claim Islam Islamic kindness later harm has ever happened in the time of the Prophet SAW.
Among the examples mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari Hadith:
عن أنس قال قدم أناس من عكل أو عرينة, فاجتووا المدينة, فأمرهم النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - بلقاح, وأن يشربوا من أبوالها وألبانها, فانطلقوا, فلما صحوا قتلوا راعى النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - واستاقوا النعم, فجاء الخبر فى أول النهار , فبعث فى آثارهم, فلما ارتفع النهار جىء بهم, فأمر فقطع أيديهم وأرجلهم, وسمرت أعينهم, وألقوا فى الحرة يستسقون فلا يسقون. قال أبو قلابة فهؤلاء سرقوا وقتلوا وكفروا بعد إيمانهم, وحاربوا الله ورسوله.
"From Anas RA that the people of the tribes' Urainah not welcome to stay in Madinah, the Prophet Muhammad gave relief (rukhshoh) told them to go camel alms (Zakat) and they drank their milk and urine (for heat pain medication, this camel urine showed no unclean), and then they killed the shepherd and camel run. Then the Prophet sent (messengers to pursue them), then (messenger Prophet) went to them, then (messenger Prophet) cut their hands and feet, and their eyes taken out and left in the rocks, they bite the stone (in a very miserable condition, suffered severe). "(hadith shohih History Imam Al-Bukhari, chapter 1501 numbers using zakat and camel milk to ibn sabil, and the number 233 book thoharoh).
Killing runaway camel herders and is physical harm. 're Insulting Islam, distorting understanding the verses and Hadith in the name of Islam but for Christianity is far worse than physical evil robbers and murderers. While the robber and the murderer was rewarded with murder slowly, that their hands cut off, their legs were cut off, while his eyes were put out, and they were left in the desert heat rocks are likely to be affected by brain burn hitstruk, namely stroke due to sting eyes day, in a state of no water and food again. So, what is the appropriate punishment for religious robbers made by the Christians, palangis by way of distorting the teachings of Islam and insulting the Prophet SAW?
Busy to destroy Islam
Christianization, Orientalism and colonialism has become one batter inseparable triad. Each one has a duty to destroy Islam.
Christianization served damaging aqidah; Orientalism devastated Islamic thought, and colonization crippling Muslims.
Allah warns in the Qur'an,
يريدون أن يطفئوا نور الله بأفواههم ويأبى الله إلا أن يتم نوره ولو كره الكافرون [التوبة / 32]
which means: "They wished to extinguish the light (religion) of Allah with his mouth (speech) them, and Allah does not desire other than perfect His light, though the disbelievers dislike." (Surat At-Tawbah [9]: 32)
The main goal is to drag zending missionaries Muslims to Christianity. If it's hard to do, then the effort will dtempuh how obscure the understanding of Islam for Muslims.
Politically, missionaries acted as lackeys and spies for the European colonizers destroy the unity of Islam. The purpose was made clear by the Reverend Simon that the missionary is an important factor as the destroyer of the unifying power of Islamic Ummah.
First countries to develop Christianity is the Netherlands, which had colonized Indonesia and Java split into areas that are built for the church and school. Then the step was followed by other European countries.
The enemies of Islam is taking into account the strength of Islam, see followers multiply so rapidly, then the enemies of Islam are very worried. Enemies of Islam are very worried that Muslims into one unified under one flag to get to the ideals of Islam, will be the scourge of the world. Up since before the Second World War, the enemies of Islam have worried about the rising population in the countries of Islam, especially Egypt. If during the 50-year population growth was not prevented, then the world will be ruled by Muslims, writes Paul Schmitz, a German, in his book The Power International Islamic Tomorrow, 1937. Yet at that time the world's Muslims are still under occupation, not Islamic countries of independence. But the warning that Muslim population growth prevented mightily for being a threat to them (enemies of Islam) was already enunciated. And then, when the independent Islamic states, the enemies of Islam was able to push and influence of Islamic countries to suppress pendudunya even forced to carry out family planning (FP), which is essentially the restriction of the family, which it is clearly haram according to Islam . Christianization and colonization mission met there, to weaken Islam, minimize the number of Muslims. So even though the Christians shout loudly that they forbade his people to follow the KB (family planning) was not left unharmed, even the Chinese, if not touched in Indonesian family planning rules. Because the main goal is to prevent the growth of Muslim population, rather than the other.
Missionary, Orientalist, and imperialist move together in destroying Muslims and memurtadkannya, under the pretext of sacred mission, when in fact false. They argued that the Gospel of Matthew chapter 28 verse 18, the contents of which have gone out into the world to spread the teachings of Jesus. In fact, the verse only of Mary Magdalene, which he himself in Matthew chapter 8 verse 2 it was explained that Mary Magdalene was a sick woman, possessed by seven demons.
Paragraph that Mary Magdalene only source itself against another verse it is said by Isa (Jesus) himself in the presence of 12 loyal followers that you do not enter into the land of infidels everywhere except the land of the Israelites. So obviously, the coming of Jesus was only for the Israelites.
It is also listed in the al-Quran
ويعلمه الكتاب والحكمة والتوراة والإنجيل (48) ورسولا إلى بني إسرائيل أني قد جئتكم بآية من ربكم [آل عمران / 48, 49]
which means: And Allah will teach him (Isa AS) Al-Kitab, Hik mah, the Torah, and the Gospel. And (as) an apostle to the Children of Israel (which is said to them): "Verily, I have come to you to bring a sign (miracle) from your Lord ..." (Surah Al 'Imran [3]: 48-49)
Although it is clear-from the Bible and the Quran-that Jesus was sent only to the Children of Israel, but the people who are represented by the Christian missionaries and Orientalists plus imperialists insisted to hold Christianity Islamic countries colonized. Then minions invaders in Indonesia often called Londo Ireng (Dutch black) bandwagon insistent launched Christianization. So the more they believe Mary Magdalene, the woman in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 8 verse 2 FITNESS but ill and conceding seven demons than to believe the words of Jesus himself in front of 12 loyal followers (if the term Al-Quran called loyalists hawaariyyuun aka Prophet Isa AS , as well as loyal followers of Muhammadiyah mad accompanying the Prophet SAW called Companions of the Prophet SAW).
Rejecting signed a joint statement
Constancy follow woman greeting Mary Magdalene seven devils possessed even then they carry, so they refused to sign a joint statement in the formulation of the Interfaith Council, Thursday, November 30, 1967. The Christians / Catholics do not approve clauses, among others "..... do not make religion as mankind has been the target spread their religion". Though religious leaders of Islam, Hindu Bali, and Buddhist approve it. But the Catholic Kriten and remain determined not agree, citing the Gospel of Matthew chapter 28 verse 18 that only the words of Mary Magdalene in Matthew fs dijelasakan 8 paragraph 2 that he was a sick woman was possessed by seven demons.
Raping and convert
Not surprisingly, then Christianity is done by women such as rape that occurred in Padang. Khairiyah Enniswati aka Wawah (17) students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2, Pangilun Gunung Padang is a victim of rape and apostasy. He included 500 people Minang (West Sumatra) who converted from Islam to Christianity, according to the newspaper Republika. Covered girl was kidnapped, raped, and forced out of their religion secret missions undertaken by a group of Christians.
The event began in March 1998. One day, blinking Wawah Nalan with Lia, a veiled girl. Familiarity ensued as both veiled. But apparently Lia Christians Priotestan. To Wawah, he told me how beautiful wandering in the Protestant world. Not only that, it also tells about the world of sex.
On another occasion, Lia took Wawah around town and stopped at the Protestant Church in Jalan Chan Bagindo Aziz, Padang. Here, they blend in with the leadership of Pastor Willy dozens of worshipers.
Long story short, Wawah forced to convert to Christianity, although this girl crying and struggling. Furthermore Wawah submitted to Salmon, a church congregation who work in PDAM Padang. Salmon family home that, Wawah also raped when Lisa Zuriana, Salmon's wife out of the house. Lisa Zuriana itself is a citizen Tangah Sawah, Bukit Tinggi, Minangkabau native who now embrace Christianity after mating with Salmon. He was also treasurer of the Union of Protestant West Sumatra (PKPSB). (Dialog Friday, Reuters, 6 Agusus 1999).
The importance of jihad
This is where the importance of jihad in Islam which calls for a very high value. Because, internationally and nationally, no other target is humiliation and proselytizing Muslims.
In fact, they are in theory (the Christianization grounding) was a woman possessed (demon possessed 7) (see Matthew chapter 28 verse 18 and chapter 8, paragraph 2). And in practice, clearly criminal, even raping women.
At the time of the Prophet SAW, there are people who are new bid to be allowed to stay where he was sleeping with women, because the name of the skill (adultery) of the Prophet and then the Prophet ordered to kill him. And when he (the cheater and insult Islam was) found to have died from snakebite, the man who bid adultery (not to rape) was then set on fire by a friend from the Prophet SAW. So, when it raped still did convert, whether the punishment? And the Crusaders, the compilers of the book and the name of Islam slebaran when membohongkan Islam and apostasy that even after conversion to Christianity, was sentenced to what they deserve? Let discussed and applied, if indeed we really as the guardian of Islam's blessed by Allah SWT. (See the books: H Insan LS Mokoginta, Reverend Blasphemy Muallaf rectify, 1999. Ahmed Deedat, The Choice, 1999. Books Wasi'an KH Abdullah, M Natsir books including Islam and Christianity in Indonesia).
* Hartono Ahmad Jaiz Rim author Duping and Apostasy against Muslims, God willing circulating in IBF (Islamic Book Fair) in Senayan Jakarta, 4 to 13 March 2011.
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