The promise of God and the Prophet
About the Future of Islam
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"He who has sent His Messenger (with carry) instruction (Al-Qur'an) and the true religion to be won over all religion, although the idolaters do not like." (Surat At-Tawbah: 33)
We should feel happy with the promises given by Allah through His word, that Islam with wisdom and discretion was able to defeat the other religions. But not a few who think that the promise has been realized at the time of the Prophet Salallahu alaihi wa Salam, future-first four caliphs and the caliphs during wise afterwards. When in fact they are not. Which has eventuated when it was just a small part of the above appointments, as hinted by the Apostle Salallahu alaihi wa Salam by his saying:
"Night and day will not go away so that Al-Latta and Al-'Uzza was worshiped. Aisha then asked: "O Messenger, I really think that God takkala lowered his words" He who has sent His Messenger (with carry) instruction (Al-Quran) and the true religion to be won over all religion, although the idolaters are not like, it's been perfect (realization). "Belau said:" It will be realized at the time appointed by God. "[The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim and the other Imams]
Many other hadiths that explain the victory of Islam and spread to various parts. From the hadiths it is no doubt that the victory of Islam in the future solely on the help of Allah SWT permission, the record should still we stand for, that's what matters. Here I will show some traditions that I hope will burn the spirit of Islamic fighters and can be used as arguments to make them aware that fatalist without going to fight at all.
"God has brought together (gather and unite) this world for me. Therefore I can see Western and Eastern hemispheres. Sunggu power of my people will get to the areas that were collected (shown) that to me. "
The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim (8/171), Imam Abu Daud (4252), Imam Turmudzi (2/27) who vote as hadeeth, Imam Ibn Majah (2952) and Imam Ahmad with two sanad.
There are other hadiths clearer and wider, namely:
"Surely this Islam that will be passed down to earth by night and day. God is not going to miss the whole city and the countryside, except put the religion into the area, with the start glorifying despicable and degrading. That is honor him with Islam and humiliate him with disbelief. "
Imam Ibn Hibban narrated in his Saheeh (1631, 1632). Moderate Imam Abu 'Arubah narrated in the book of Al-Montaqa interest-Thabaqat (2/10/1).
No doubt that the spread of Islam back to the Muslims themselves. Therefore they should have the moral strength, material and weaponry to be able to fight and defeat the forces of the Gentiles and the people durhak This is promised by the Prophet:
"This is narrated by Abu Qubai. He said "(at one time) we shared Amer Ibn Abdullah Ibn al-Ash. He asked about where that would undefeated first, between the two countries, Constantinople or Rome. Then he asked his casket that was rather shabby. Then he took out a book. "Abu Qubai continued by saying: And Abdullah reported:" One time we were writing hand Salallahu Prophet alaihi wa Salam. Suddenly he asked: "Which one is invincible first, Constantinople or Rome?" He replied: "The city of Heraclius was the one who would be defeated first." That was Constantinople. "
This is narrated by Imam Ahmad (II/176), Ad-Darimi (I/126), Ibn Abi Al-Suaibah in Mushan (II/47, 153). Amer Abu Ad-Dani in the As-fil-Fitaan Sunanul Maridah (hadiths about Defamation), Al Hakim (III/422 and IV/508) and Abdul Ghani Al-Maqdisi in Ilmi Kitab ul (II/30). Abdul Ghani that this hadith is hasan isnaad. While Imam Hakim as authentic hadith vote. Al-Hakim was appraisal highly approved by Adh-Dhahabi.
Rumiyyah word in the above hadith means is Rome, capital of Italy today, as we see in the Mu'jamul Buldani (Encyclopedia of the State).
As we know, that first victory is in the hands of Muhammad Al-Fatih Al-Usmani. This occurred after more than eight hundred years Salallahu Prophet alaihi wa Salam menyabdakan above hadith. The second victory was due to go live with the permission of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, as his word:
"And ye shall know (the truth of) the Qur'an news after some time again." (Surah Sad: 88).
No doubt that encourage the need for a second victory against a formidable Caliph. This is what has been preached by the Prophet alaihi wa Salam Salallahu through his saying:
"Prophecy has been manifest among you in accordance with the will of God. Then He will remove it in accordance with his will, then there caliphate according to the prophecy, in accordance with His will anyway. Then He will remove it as well according to His will. After that there was an iron-fisted dictator king, and all went according to his will anyway. Then he would remove it if it wants to remove it. Then there is the caliph in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet. Then he was silent. "[This hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad (IV/273)]
The next hadith which contains the good news of the Prophet about the return of power to the Muslims and the spread of Muslims throughout the world to be able to help achieve the goals of Islam and create a prospective future and proud to include the economy and agriculture. Hadith of the Prophet is:
"The Day of Judgement will not happen before the Arab lands into terrain that produce a lot of essential commodities and have adequate irrigation."
The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim (3/84), Imam Ahmad (2/703, 417), from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah.
The happy news is realized in several Arab region which has been given by the grace of God in the form of tools to explore the source of water in the desert. There we can see the initiative to drain the water from the Euphrates to the Arabian Peninsula. I read this news from a local newspaper. This would probably be true. And after some time later, will actually materialize and we can prove it.
Furthermore you need to know in relation to this issue is the words of the Prophet:
"There will come a time unless its aftermath will be worse, until you meet your Lord, and the Day of Judgment."
This is narrated by Imam Bukhari in Al-Fitan of the Anas hadith marfu '.
This hadith should be understood by comparing with other hadiths earlier and another hadith (which is nothing). As well as the hadiths of Al-Mahdy and downs Prophet Isa. Hadiths that show that this hadith has no meaning in general, but it has a special meaning (narrow). Therefore we can not understand it in general (whatever they are), giving rise to hopelessness which is a trait that must be disposed of away from the believers. As the words of Allah:
"O my sons, go ye, then seek news of Joseph and his brother and you do not despair of the mercy of God. Surely not despair of the mercy of God, but the people who disbelieve. "(Surah Yusuf: 87)
I always ask for the presence of Allah may He deign to make us as people who truly believers.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"He who has sent His Messenger (with carry) instruction (Al-Qur'an) and the true religion to be won over all religion, although the idolaters do not like." (Surat At-Tawbah: 33)
We should feel happy with the promises given by Allah through His word, that Islam with wisdom and discretion was able to defeat the other religions. But not a few who think that the promise has been realized at the time of the Prophet Salallahu alaihi wa Salam, future-first four caliphs and the caliphs during wise afterwards. When in fact they are not. Which has eventuated when it was just a small part of the above appointments, as hinted by the Apostle Salallahu alaihi wa Salam by his saying:
"Night and day will not go away so that Al-Latta and Al-'Uzza was worshiped. Aisha then asked: "O Messenger, I really think that God takkala lowered his words" He who has sent His Messenger (with carry) instruction (Al-Quran) and the true religion to be won over all religion, although the idolaters are not like, it's been perfect (realization). "Belau said:" It will be realized at the time appointed by God. "[The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim and the other Imams]
Many other hadiths that explain the victory of Islam and spread to various parts. From the hadiths it is no doubt that the victory of Islam in the future solely on the help of Allah SWT permission, the record should still we stand for, that's what matters. Here I will show some traditions that I hope will burn the spirit of Islamic fighters and can be used as arguments to make them aware that fatalist without going to fight at all.
"God has brought together (gather and unite) this world for me. Therefore I can see Western and Eastern hemispheres. Sunggu power of my people will get to the areas that were collected (shown) that to me. "
The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim (8/171), Imam Abu Daud (4252), Imam Turmudzi (2/27) who vote as hadeeth, Imam Ibn Majah (2952) and Imam Ahmad with two sanad.
There are other hadiths clearer and wider, namely:
"Surely this Islam that will be passed down to earth by night and day. God is not going to miss the whole city and the countryside, except put the religion into the area, with the start glorifying despicable and degrading. That is honor him with Islam and humiliate him with disbelief. "
Imam Ibn Hibban narrated in his Saheeh (1631, 1632). Moderate Imam Abu 'Arubah narrated in the book of Al-Montaqa interest-Thabaqat (2/10/1).
No doubt that the spread of Islam back to the Muslims themselves. Therefore they should have the moral strength, material and weaponry to be able to fight and defeat the forces of the Gentiles and the people durhak This is promised by the Prophet:
"This is narrated by Abu Qubai. He said "(at one time) we shared Amer Ibn Abdullah Ibn al-Ash. He asked about where that would undefeated first, between the two countries, Constantinople or Rome. Then he asked his casket that was rather shabby. Then he took out a book. "Abu Qubai continued by saying: And Abdullah reported:" One time we were writing hand Salallahu Prophet alaihi wa Salam. Suddenly he asked: "Which one is invincible first, Constantinople or Rome?" He replied: "The city of Heraclius was the one who would be defeated first." That was Constantinople. "
This is narrated by Imam Ahmad (II/176), Ad-Darimi (I/126), Ibn Abi Al-Suaibah in Mushan (II/47, 153). Amer Abu Ad-Dani in the As-fil-Fitaan Sunanul Maridah (hadiths about Defamation), Al Hakim (III/422 and IV/508) and Abdul Ghani Al-Maqdisi in Ilmi Kitab ul (II/30). Abdul Ghani that this hadith is hasan isnaad. While Imam Hakim as authentic hadith vote. Al-Hakim was appraisal highly approved by Adh-Dhahabi.
Rumiyyah word in the above hadith means is Rome, capital of Italy today, as we see in the Mu'jamul Buldani (Encyclopedia of the State).
As we know, that first victory is in the hands of Muhammad Al-Fatih Al-Usmani. This occurred after more than eight hundred years Salallahu Prophet alaihi wa Salam menyabdakan above hadith. The second victory was due to go live with the permission of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, as his word:
"And ye shall know (the truth of) the Qur'an news after some time again." (Surah Sad: 88).
No doubt that encourage the need for a second victory against a formidable Caliph. This is what has been preached by the Prophet alaihi wa Salam Salallahu through his saying:
"Prophecy has been manifest among you in accordance with the will of God. Then He will remove it in accordance with his will, then there caliphate according to the prophecy, in accordance with His will anyway. Then He will remove it as well according to His will. After that there was an iron-fisted dictator king, and all went according to his will anyway. Then he would remove it if it wants to remove it. Then there is the caliph in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet. Then he was silent. "[This hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad (IV/273)]
The next hadith which contains the good news of the Prophet about the return of power to the Muslims and the spread of Muslims throughout the world to be able to help achieve the goals of Islam and create a prospective future and proud to include the economy and agriculture. Hadith of the Prophet is:
"The Day of Judgement will not happen before the Arab lands into terrain that produce a lot of essential commodities and have adequate irrigation."
The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim (3/84), Imam Ahmad (2/703, 417), from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah.
The happy news is realized in several Arab region which has been given by the grace of God in the form of tools to explore the source of water in the desert. There we can see the initiative to drain the water from the Euphrates to the Arabian Peninsula. I read this news from a local newspaper. This would probably be true. And after some time later, will actually materialize and we can prove it.
Furthermore you need to know in relation to this issue is the words of the Prophet:
"There will come a time unless its aftermath will be worse, until you meet your Lord, and the Day of Judgment."
This is narrated by Imam Bukhari in Al-Fitan of the Anas hadith marfu '.
This hadith should be understood by comparing with other hadiths earlier and another hadith (which is nothing). As well as the hadiths of Al-Mahdy and downs Prophet Isa. Hadiths that show that this hadith has no meaning in general, but it has a special meaning (narrow). Therefore we can not understand it in general (whatever they are), giving rise to hopelessness which is a trait that must be disposed of away from the believers. As the words of Allah:
"O my sons, go ye, then seek news of Joseph and his brother and you do not despair of the mercy of God. Surely not despair of the mercy of God, but the people who disbelieve. "(Surah Yusuf: 87)
I always ask for the presence of Allah may He deign to make us as people who truly believers.
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