Monday, 27 May 2013

Sources of Human Sin?

by Mashadi

Modern humans are surrounded by sin. Essentially the same as modern humans humans in the time of ignorance. They sin and sinners deliberately and consciously. They are not afraid to act they do it. Sin as a choice of their lives.

Their sin, because it became their enjoyment of life. Adultery, drinking alcohol, eating unclean food, and other heinous acts, all of them enjoy. Sins according to their desires.

Actual sin and sinners were stratified, and different damage and punishment. However, the roots and origins of sin that there are two things, first, leaving the command of God, and both disobeyed God. So, essentially the believers who muttaqin, are those who sincerely carry out his orders and left his ban. This is the kind of submission, obedience, and surrender totally to God Almighty and Wa Jalla.

Then, sin is divided into four categories, each of which have an influence in someone's life. Among them:

Mulkiyah sin, is the nature of the act or thing which adopts the attributes of God. Like feel holy, cult, vanity, kesemena-menaan, feeling high, injustice, colonize and enslave humans. This works in the category of shirk (associating partners) Allah.

Because humans are often plunged into shirk, feel holy, true arrogant with power and its treasures. The rulers, the leader of the movement, worshipers, party, can apply arrogant, due to its power. Could manage, regulate, govern, and even acted arbitrarily, and no one dared remind him.

Itself can act as a saint, who later cult followers, or create ordinances that make doing cult followers, and the leader as if turned into a god, who can then determine one's fate. One becomes dependent life to those who have power. Whether it's the rulers, leaders of the movement, worshipers, party and organization, if nothing else to remind could turn into a 'god'.

Anyone who become perpetrators of this kind of sin, he had robbed mak divinity and kingdom (sovereignty) of God and a match for him. This is the greatest sin with Allah and good deeds is not the point.

How many people who now have been enacted and transformed himself into a god, because only a few have the power, wealth, and opportunity (time), and then they change their basic properties, and they turn out to be 'gods' are actually not feasible .

Sin is sin syaithoniyah where palakunya resembles the behavior and nature of demons, such as go beyond the boundaries, deception, envy, eating the forbidden treasure, treason, ordered immoral acts of God, disobedience graced with kindness, obedience to God prohibit conduct, of heresy, and preach heresy and apostasy. This sin will plunge into the pelakuknya Hell.

How many people in the form of humans, but they act like the devil, and become servants of Satan. Actions always rebellious and against God. Do not want to bertahkim (berhukunm) with God's law, and just follow hwa lust, which eventually plunged themselves into manifest error. However, they still dare to say that they are doing is good. These are the people who have become followers of Satan.

Bahimiyah Sin is a beast, that reveals the culprit be cruel and savage, like the blood shed, make war, oppress the weak, and destroy their lives. With without feeling regret for their actions.

Man turned into a beast, just follow the stomach and sexual lust. From this was born of adultery, theft, unlawful possession consuming, consuming the orphan's property, curmudgeonly, miserly, cowardly, jeremiads, which causes manusisa no longer have a foundation of righteous living.

Humans have fallen into a new form, as an animal. Because being bahimiyah, and distanced from the commands and prohibitions of Allah Ta'ala. Wallahu'alam.

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Moral decadence and ideological roots
Posted on March 25, 2011 by World of Islam:,,, http://,

Michael Jackson's controversial death adds to the long list of artists who died tragically. Regardless of the rumors surrounding the Islamic faith, the death of Michael Jackson still leaves a dark record of the artist's life. Record only vocalist Kurt Cobain-Nirvana grunge music wing-died by suicide. Jim Morrison-vocalist of rock band The dorrs-died from overdose, Michael Hutchence INXS lead-singer-music group died by suicide.

They all died in a state famous, young, abundant wealth, surrounded by women, however, find themselves in a state of "stress" for no apparent reason. Eventually they tried to escape from the "stress" is the rah-rah, parties, and various sedative narcotics.

The behavior of the artist is the peak of the iceberg of an overview of western society in general, which materealis secular. As we know, from sea level to the peak of the iceberg looks small but if we look below the surface of the iceberg that will look high and sometimes can sink a great ship though, as was the case in the sinking of the Titanic and is famous throughout history .

What happened to the artist also shows what happens below the surface, the western society in general. A society that reject the existence of spirits in life and believe that life is a world that looks. Western society reject Shari'a Shari'a of Allah and choosing "idols" of human thought are issued by the Shari'a experts "cause of Evil" as the law that governs their lives.

Lifestyle hedonistic Western society has long been criticized by their own thinkers, including John Schetineck, a great American story writer (Joseph Qordhowi, Islamic Civilization Future): Problem facing America instead of wealth this country has everything in abundance, will but it does not have sufficient spiritual. Suppose I wanted to destroy a nation I will give him something more than he needs the abundant wealth made him greedy, helpless, and the sick. our nation may not be able to live longer with the principles espoused

The progress of science, material civilization, which reached the west and they are always proud-proud was not able to reduce the anxiety that hit the slightest souls who try to resist his nature to always worship the creator, Allah SWT. So that psychiatric diseases become rampant in western society and the trend shows that diverse. It can be seen from the number of terms and terminology of mental illness that was never imagined by man before.

So when they forgot the warning had been given to them, we had to open all the doors of pleasure for them so if they have rejoiced with what has been given to them, we seized them suddenly, then when it is their silent despair . then the oppressors be destroyed down to its roots, all praise be to Allah the Lord of hosts (Surat al-An'am: 44-45)

Hippies ideology, cultural roots of moral decay

Hedonistic lifestyle, free sex and the use of sedative drugs are rampant among artists and western societies, can be traced since the emergence of the young people who call themselves hippies. They appeared in the United States around the early 60's the background by youth protests against the nuclear bomb race in the cold war era between the two world powers block at that time, the American capitalist and communist Soviet .. They also protested against the U.S. involvement in the war in Vietnam adventure.

Furthermore, young people are forming a movement known as hippies or flower generation. They formed their own ideology to achieve the goals that they want peace. They became known ideology rests on three interrelated things, namely music, love and drugs. Ideology when they show their existence Woodstock Festival held in 1969, in which more than 500,000 young people come to gather and hold a concert with musicians musi ideological adherents hippies of that era, including: Carlos Santana, The Who, Jimy Hendrix, and Janis Joplin.

Through music they voiced their objectives of world peace. The themes of their music in addition to the peace of the world is called to the messages of love or love ideology. But the bottom line, here are more likely to love the sense of free sex. Their idea was later known as the sexual revolution.

They reject Western society about the sanctity of sex should be through the institution of marriage. For them sex should be freely available without the bond of marriage. This idea was later popularized by John Lennon, one of the band members of The Beatles with the phrase "Make love not a war". Lennon campaigning for this idea quite strange way, that is in bed with bed clothes with his wife, Yoko Ono. Besides The Beatles had a song that later became the credo for the hippies All you needed is love.

In Woodstock hippies popularized the use of sedative substances such as cannabis and alcohol (marijuana), LSD and alcohol, for consumption as a form of protest against the war and a form of escapism from the fear of an arms race.

At first the hippie ideology gets tough challenge from Western society still holds the Christian morals. Before the era of the hippies western society is the holder of such steadfast Christian morals forbade promiscuity and respect the institution of the family. Year's 30 films can be said to be audacious holliwood scenes featuring raunchy sex scenes.

But now it seems the hippies ideology has been widely accepted not only in America but throughout the world evenly. It is characterized hippie ideology has become a profitable individual indrustri. We can see that even wild group band became famous band and turned into a money making machine. We can see the band Gun's N roses, nirvana, linkin park etc.. All of their songs contain lyrics average slob, adore lust, and hatred. Likewise with michael jackson song that the song is not far from worshiping lust and world peace has become a distinctive icon for music indrustri.

Hipies and Zionism

"Embrace the animals who love to get drunk, to please them with drinks. Excessive rights come along with freedom is not for us and our society to the path. Masyarakart goyimlah are lulled with alcoholic beverages; their youth grow up stupid in pengkelas-kelasan and lack of morality from an early age, which is all that made our special agents ...

We will distract them ..... with entertainment, games, leisure activities, lust impulses, the palaces of the people ......

Well ....... keep in mind the success that we have made in dariwinisme, Marxism and Nietzsche-ism, however, must clearly understand the enormity of the destructive impact of this guidance on the minds of the goyim.

(Protocol of learned elders of zion).

There is a positive correlation between the ideas of the hippies with the Zionist movement, so there is no reason to deny the close relationship between these two ideologies. Clearly the general ideas in the protocol is always blown out of the back of the screen. Which appears on the surface or in the stage of life is what most of the zionists call "pull stupid parrot (pembeo stupid)". Zionists worked as a design director all scenario.

While the actors are consciously and unconsciously follow the orders of the master director. Zionist subtly corrupting the morals of the community to work towards a society without religion, without morals and without god. They work with game terms. True and false blame is justified. Adultery positively termed as the sexual revolution. Culture of indulgence in private parts of the woman in the term with modernization and long tradition of releasing restraints. Drunkenness termed the style of young people, and others.

Another strong evidence that the Zionists were behind hippie ideology was the emergence of new left ideology at this hippie generation. This ideology is the reincarnation or the revitalization of Marxist doctrine of hatred towards fellow human beings are called to dialetika materalisme. In dialectical materialism is contested between the rich (bourgeoisie) in the party antagonistic to the poor (proletariat) on the part of the protagonist.

While the new left's ideological dialectic contradiction anata it turned into an anti-establishment youth with the old status quo. This left the new jargon popularized through the song Imagine by John Lennon. The song became one of the symbols of the hippies in the struggle against war. The song is laden with messages Marxism: no heaven (there's no heaven), no hell (hell no), no possession (no ownership), no country (no country). With this song the hipies Vietnam anti-war demonstration, but in ways that give rise to anarchy casualties of both civilians and police.

We hippies and ideology

Indeed the country since the beginning of the New Order Indonesia has become a laboratory experiment and permisivefisme secularism. The hippie culture can be said to go without a hitch means of the New Order government. It is characterized by the issuance of the concert are easily characterized hipppies rock group, Deep Purple, in Indonesia in the late 70's. One thing that is actually unusual for Indonesian political climate at the time.

Because the New Order regime in the 70's the policy of repression against each performance, so as to be able to perform long must obtain a permit and go through screening military institutions. It can be concluded that the Order regime was only the most knowledgeable and responsible for the rapid flow of liberalization and the hippie ideology.

Since then this nation, especially students and students familiar with the ideology and the ideology of western culture hippies especially that is a trend in the future. Our youth begin gradually familiar with the lifestyle of hippies like sex, drugs, clubbing, discos and other events immoral.

Campuses are getting familiar with musical performances that are supported by the New Order government and the sponsor of the capitalist enterprise. Free sex, clubbing, disco and drugs slowly has become the measure of our youth modernity.

Then came the musical groups that characterized hippies, the love-themed songs lilting and about world peace. Further increased since the reforms swept the country in which the emergence of bands like fungus that grows as rainy season.

And it should be noted, these musical groups on average make love as a theme in his songs, and it is directly or indirectly an ideology influence hippies

Not only the songs that influenced the style hippies, even in everyday behavior could not be separated from the forces this flower generation. Divorce and remarriage, adultery, show off genitalia, clubbing, drugs are always stories in the show the artists in the show gossip on television. In layers masyarakatpun free sex culture rampant. Free sex was not only in the students but also to the junior high youth. Even more appalling is the advent of recording cultural scene adultery. Now many teens adultery scenes footage circulated via mobile phones and the internet. It seems teens now have moved from furtive adultery adultery towards the light publicly.

Music in the view of scholars

Joseph Qordhowi in the book tend to allow Fatwa contemporary music, but with the proviso does not contain dirty words. Here's his quote: Problems song, either with music or without musical instruments, an issue debated by the jurists of the Muslims since ancient times. They agree on some things and disagree on a few other things. They agreed on the prohibition of the song that contains an abomination, wickedness, and dragging a person to immorality, because essentially it's a good song if it does contain good sayings, and ugly if ugly congratulatory. While every word that deviate from Islamic adab is haram.

So how do you conclude if it is accompanied by words such as tone and rhythm that had a strong influence? They also agreed on the permissibility of singing are both joyous occasions, such as wedding receptions, while welcoming the arrival of a person, and on feast days. On this subject there are many authentic hadith and clear. However, they differ about the song other than that (on other occasions). Among them are those who allow all types of songs, either by using an instrument or not, even considered mustahab.

Some will not allow songs that use music but allow it when not using the music. There is also a ban at all, even consider it haram (using either the music or not). The opinion of many, I tend to think that singing is lawful, because the origin of everything is kosher as long as there is no valid texts that mengharamkannya. Even if there are arguments that forbid the singing, the argument sometimes sharih (obviously) but it is not valid, or valid but not sharih.

Meanwhile, the Saudi cleric, Aid Al-Qorni argue otherwise is forbidden music. Ibn Khaldun in muqoddimahnya stating that there is a relationship between the fall of a civilization by spreading this music. Furthermore, he stated that at the end of the period and by the collapse of a civilization marked by widespread opulence and game music. Luxury and the music usually is not productive and the resources of a country with no value added. Society at the time it would normally be vulnerable to outside attack that would destroy their civilization

The opinion of many scholars generally ranging views about music in social life instead of music as a means of proselytizing. As some people say that one of the Wali Sanga in spreading Islam using media music. But the history of the struggle of the Prophet has been no literature stating that Muhammad SAW using music as a medium of media preaching. Though the music at that time was common and exist in the community. The conclusion was that music as a medium of propaganda is never exemplified by Muhammad SAW.

As for the case of Wali Sanga can not be relied on skill preaching through the medium of music. So that it becomes something strange also if there are parties who labeled the party propaganda using music and band groups as a campaign tool and preachings. Though scholars who allow no music used as a proselytizing tool let alone require it. What's more, the band groups are generally characterized by the hippies wear, revere and love the lifestyle of a band of hippies too.


As Muslims we should obey Rosullulah SAW. "Islamic kindness among the signs someone is the case it leaves him useless (HR Tarmizi.).

Evolving music now is not something useful, even heretical cult ideology contained therein lust. Leaving it is most safe. While using it for the sake of da'wah is something questionable.

Wallahu'alam bishawab


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