Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Prayers and peace to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and friends.
Here is some wisdom behind fasting Ramadan that we extracted from some scholars of kalam. May be useful.
1. Reaching Degree of Piety
Allah the Exalted says,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون
"O ye who believe, fasting is obligatory upon you as required above those before you, that ye fear Allah." (Surat al-Baqara: 183). This verse shows that among the wisdom of fasting is that a servant can reach the degree of piety and fasting is the cause of this glorious earned degrees. This is because the fasting, a person will carry out the commands of Allah and stay away from any of his ban. This is the sense of piety. Forms of piety in fasting we can see in the following areas.
First, the fasting person will leave every God forbid that when it is she left to eat, drink, berjima 'with his wife and so on are actually very skewed hearts and want to do it. This is all done in order taqorrub or closer to Allah and gaining the rewards from Him. This is the form of piety.
Second, the fasting person is actually able to do the worldly pleasures that exist. But he knows that God is always watching himself. It is also one form of piety which was always watched over by God.
Third, when fasting, everyone would do deeds-deeds spirit of obedience. And obedience is a way to reach piety. [1] This is partly in the form of self-restraint in the practice of fasting.
2. Lessons in Lust and Pleasure Leaving Behind the World
In the fasting, every Muslim was ordered to leave the various lust, food and drinks. It was all done for God. In a hadith Qudsi [2], Allah the Exalted says,
يدع شهوته وطعامه من أجلى
"He has left the lust and food for me". [3]
Among the lessons leave lust and worldly pleasures when fasting is:
First, it can control the soul. Satiety because a lot of eating and drinking, satisfaction when dealing with the wife, it all will usually make a person forget himself, Kufr against favors, and being inattentive. So by fasting, the soul will be controlled.
Second, the liver will be busy thinking about the good things and busy remembering Allah. If someone is too tersibukkan with worldly pleasures and lulled by the food he devoured, the hearts would be remiss of thinking about the good things and neglect of the remembrance of Allah. Therefore, if the heart is not tersibukkan with worldly pleasures, nor preoccupied with eating and drinking while fasting, the liver will be radiant, the more gentle, heart was not hardened and will be easier to tafakkur (muses) and dhikr of Allah.
Third, by refraining from worldly pleasures, the more affluent people will know that he has given so much pleasure than those indigent, poor and orphans who often feel hunger. In order to celebrate this delicious, rich people also like to share with those who can not.
Fourth, with fasting blood would narrow path. While the devil is in the human blood. As the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
إن الشيطان يجرى من ابن آدم مجرى الدم
"Verily, Satan flows within the human blood flow at the site." [4] So fasting can soothe the demons that often give misgivings. Fasting also can suppress lust and anger. Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam made fasting as one panacea for people who have a desire to get married but have not been accomplished. [5]
3. Become a Better Start Moving
In the month of Ramadan every Muslim should of course stay away from a variety of immoral so fast is not in vain, so do not get too hungry and thirst alone. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
رب صائم حظه من صيامه الجوع والعطش
"How many people are fasting but he did not get from his fast except hunger and the thirst alone." [6]
Fasting becomes useless like this because Ramadan is also filled with various immoral. Whereas in fasted every person should try to keep his tongue from rasani other people (read: backbiting), from various perkaataan immorality, from lying words, immoral acts and things in vain.
From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
من لم يدع قول الزور والعمل به فليس لله حاجة فى أن يدع طعامه وشرابه
"Whoever does not abandon false speech even practice it, then Allaah has no need of hunger and thirst that he would go." [7]
From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
ليس الصيام من الأكل والشرب, إنما الصيام من اللغو والرفث, فإن سابك أحد أو جهل عليك فلتقل: إني صائم, إني صائم
"Fasting is not only withhold food and drink. However, fasting is to refrain from words and rofats lagwu. If there is someone who reproach you or do you nosy, tell him, "I am fasting, I am fasting '." [8] Lagwu is futile words and semisalnya are not useful. [9] While rofats is the term for any thing desirable men in women [10] or can be meaningful dirty words. [11]
Therefore, when the month of Ramadan out every man ought to be better than the previous month because he had forged in madrasah Ramadan to leave various immoral. People who are lazily used 5 times prayers should be aware of and regularly do outside the month of Ramadan. Also in the issue Jamat prayer for men, shall also be performed in the mosque routinized as diligently carried out when the month of Ramadan. Similarly, in the month of Ramadan many Muslim women wear veils that are trying to shut down perfectly, then the outside of the month of Ramadan this should be maintained.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
وإن أحب العمل إلى الله أدومه وإن قل
"(Know that) deeds most loved by Allah is the practice of continuous (steady) although a bit." [12]
Worship and practice obedience is not like flowers that bloom at certain times. So, praying 5 times, praying prayers, evening prayers, charity and love to dress Muslim, so worship is not seasonal. However, it should be outside the month of Ramadan is also maintained. The scholars used to say, "is as bad-ugly people who know God (worship diligent,-pen) only in the month of Ramadan."
Remember also the message of Ka'b, "Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and then conceived in his heart that after the escape of Ramadan will commit adultery with his Lord, then it's really fast is rejected (not worth anything)." [13]
4. Opportunity for mutual compassion with The Poor and Suffering They Feel
Fasting will cause one to be fond of the poor. Because the fasting person must have felt the suffering of hunger in some time. This situation had he felt so long. Finally, he was humble towards others and do good to them. By this time he gained because of the abundance of God's children.
Similarly, the fasting person will feel what is felt by the poor, indigent, which is full of flaws. Fasting person will feel hungry and thirsty as perceived by those earlier. This has led to increase in rank with Allah. [14]
Here's some wisdom Sharai incredible behind Ramadan fasting. Therefore, the Salaf is missed meeting with Ramadan in order to gain wisdom-the wisdom that is in it. Some scholars say, "The Salaf used to pray to God for 6 months in order to meet with the month of Ramadan. And the remaining 6 months they prayed for their deeds-deeds acceptable ". [15]
Fasting Wisdom is Wrong
The common wisdom of fasting is often discussed among some that fasting can nourish the body (such as body weight may decrease, reducing the risk of stroke, lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of diabetes [16]), then it's all wisdom along with it [17] and not The main lessons. So let someone has intended to get wisdom Sharai fasting beforehand, and do not expect him to fast only for healthy delicious alone. Because if the intention of fasting just to reach worldly enjoyment and benefit, then the reward is abundant in the sight of Allah is diminished even though he will get favors or favors healthy world that she was looking for.
Allah the Exalted says,
من كان يريد حرث الآخرة نزد له في حرثه ومن كان يريد حرث الدنيا نؤته منها وما له في الآخرة من نصيب
"Anyone who wants to benefit in the hereafter that we added advantage for him and anyone who wants the advantage in the world We gave him some of the advantages the world and no one bahagianpun him in the afterlife." (Surat ash obligatory upon: 20)
Ibn 'Abbas said, "The person who likes to do riya' will be repaid their kindness in the world. They were not going to dizholimi. But remember, the one who is doing practice of fasting, prayer practice or practice night prayers but just want to expect the world, then the reward from Allah: "Allah will give him the world that she was looking for. However, the deeds will be lost in the hereafter because they just want to make a profit world. In the Hereafter, they will also include those who lost "." [18]
So true, fasting should be done with sincere intentions to expect God's face. While health favors, it is the wisdom of fasting along with it, and not the main objective sought. If someone intends sincere in his fast, undoubtedly favors the world will come by itself without him looking for. Keep in mind the advice of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
من كانت الآخرة همه جعل الله غناه فى قلبه وجمع له شمله وأتته الدنيا وهى راغمة ومن كانت الدنيا همه جعل الله فقره بين عينيه وفرق عليه شمله ولم يأته من الدنيا إلا ما قدر له
"Whoever that his intention was to reach the afterlife, God will give you sufficiency in his heart, He will unite the scattered wishes, the world would she get her abject and subject. Whoever that his intention was to reach the world, Allah will make him not get enough of, would pull apart his wish, the world did not he get than that established for him. "[19]
As for the hadith which says,
صوموا تصحوا
"Fast, surely you will be healthy." Keep in mind that this kind of hadith is weak hadith (hadith dho'if) according to the scholars of hadith scholars. [20]
Hopefully we can draw valuable wisdom behind fasting in the month of goodness, the month of Ramadan.
Author: Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal article [1] Taisir Karimir Rahman, p. 86.
[2] Hadith Qudsi is the hadith of Allah Ta'ala meaning, lafazhnya of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
[3] HR. Muslim no. 1151
[4] HR. Bukhari no. 7171 and Muslim no. 2174
[5] Excerpted from Latho'if Al Maarif, Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali, p. 276-277.
[6] HR. Ahmad 2/373. Shoaib Shaikh Al Arnauth say that sanadnya jayyid.
[7] HR. Bukhari no. 1903.
[8] HR. Ibn Khuzaimah 3/242. Al A'zhomi said that the hadeeth saheeh sanad.
[9] Al Akhfasy words, quoted from Fathul Bari, 2/414.
[10] The word Al Azhari, was quoted by Al-Minhaj Sharh Sahih Muslim, 5/114, 9/119.
[11] Al-Minhaj Sharh Sahih Muslim, 9/119.
[12] HR. Muslim no. 782.
[13] Lathoif Al Maarif, 378.
[14] See Al Mawsu'ah Al fiqhiyah, 2/9906
[15] Lathoif Al Maarif, 369
[16] See
[17] See Tafsir Al Quran Al Karim Surat Al Baqoroh, 1/317.
[18] Tafsir Al Quran Al 'Azhim, 7/422.
[19] HR. Tirmidhi no. In 2465. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this Hadith is authentic. See the explanation of this hadith in Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 7/139-140.
[20] Al Hafzih Al 'Iroqiy in Takhrij Al Ihya' (5/453) said that this hadith narrated by Al Awsath Ath Thobroniy in Abu Nu'aim in Ath Thib An Nabawiy from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah with a weak chain of transmission (dho ' if). Shaykh Al Albani in Hadith Al Adh Genealogy Dho'ifah no. 253 says that this hadith dho'if (weak).
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