Monday, 27 May 2013

Tips on How to Control / Eliminate Lust in order not fall Maksiat

As a normal human being, both men and women have basic biological needs that can not be denied that the need for sex. For an adult and already married may seem easy to get one's needs. But for those still abg and adolescents will be very dangerous if it is not capable of that tempestuous lust are ready to explode anytime.
Men and women who are not married should know how to control his sexual desire to avoid bad impacts incontinence lust. Many who have been caught up in the devastation of the failed abstinence to be borne for life. Highly recommended for people who are old enough to get married legally hasten the religious and governmental laws.
Here are some ways to eliminate / control one's sexual desires when no legitimate spouse husband or wife:
1. Remove / Get rid of Dirty Mind
Do not like to daydream to think that a no-no with the opposite sex. Dirty mind can arouse sexual desire we even just by imagining something. Change the mind starts thinking dirty with something else that is more important and serious.
2. Avoid Watching / Seeing The Porn and Vulgar
Do not let us have any material or attempt to access things obscene, vulgar, pornographic, and so forth like reading hot stories, see pictures naked, watching porn, and others.
3. Limit Relationship With Opposite Sex
Not too much to communicate with the opposite sex, especially that of the physical appearance and style can be awakened our desire to have or feel the warmth of her sekseder. Too close to the opposite sex can lead to impure thoughts.
4. Expand Activities The Drain Power and Time
Follow extracurricular courses, tutoring, tutoring, sports groups, clubs bikers, odd jobs, additional jobs and others. With busy with various activities can cause us tired to think dirty.
5. Diligent Fasting and Worship
With pious and diligent fasting then automatically we will strictly forbidden to do things that violate decency. Think dirty just is not much less do things that are religiously forbidden sin when done.
6. Not Dating
Courtship is very inviting to make physical contact either the girl or the guy, who might just hold the first-hand grip and a more severe physical relationship. Better not hanky-panky first if our goal just a fad only.
7. Diligent Socializing With Friends and Family
Having a healthy and close relationship with our friends and family we will make us able to relieve lust simply by communicating with them. Especially with a kid or abg definitely more busy again (same sex).
8. Always Thinking Effects Bad Impact
If we know the evils of illicit sex without marriage then we will feel scared to do it. Moreover intercourse if only briefly delicious, full of risk, his huge, damaging the household, ruin our fate and other people what to do.
9. Making Principles
With a clean life principle is not willing to do the things that indulge the passions will strengthen our stronghold in relieving lust that is in us. Remained consistent in maintaining the principle of our lives do not easily provoked to break them.
10. Main Alone (Strongly Recommended)
Masturbation or masturbation is the best shortcut for which can not hold a personal passion by giving satisfaction for themselves. This way religiously forbidden, addictive, and a short-term solution could damage relations with a legitimate partner in the future.
When unmarried mightily resist our passions and our opportunities to avoid lust is not in place. Has been discussed in this website about the adverse effects of premarital sex is very, very creepy. By being able to restrain our passions, then we have become complete human beings.


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