Monday, 27 May 2013

Law Saying Merry Christmas

Assalamu wr.wb.,

To our esteemed brother,
Saying "Merry Christmas" has been determined illegal by most scholars in foreign countries for the same reason. In this case, there are states allowed. But we should be very careful against the unbelievers and their religion. If there is a small part that says scholars should, then we should first to find out about who they are and what kind of argument.

This is due to the fact that there are people who are very liberal now and want so Islam became weaker, pluralist, open and readily accepted in western countries. Example of the Prophet (PBUH) is not always the benchmark for them.

Some confidence that this case depends on our intention is somewhat erroneous opinion. Precisely one of the functions of the clergy is to give us a fatwa related to things like this so we do not become a people who go astray. If after receiving a clear fatwa to the arguments and the evidence is clear, we are still being "hung our intentions / clerics do not need to be heard" it is certain that Islam will be destroyed (quick or old) because exactly the same thing has happened in other agama2.

Try to think like this: say "Merry Christmas" is the same as saying "Congratulations On the Birth of God In Human Form That Crucified For Our Sins Penetrate All! Happy Birthday, Lord! "

Of course such talk is shirk, because God never born as a human being with the same time remain as God Almighty, nor can be killed.

Are you willing to commit shirk and say it's a long sentence (or the short version: Merry Christmas), simply by reason of respect or do good to those who disbelieve Allah dila'nat?
The Enemy God Infidel

Whoever is an enemy of Allah, His angels, His Messengers, Gabriel and Michael, then surely Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers. (Surat al-Baqara Sura: 2.98)

Allah swt. mela'nat and hostile unbelievers, but there are people who want to do good to them in a way to celebrate their big day in which they felt sure God was born in human form. Instead, we take care of myself and not ikut2an with them even though only a greeting.

Of Ibn Umar. said that the Messenger of Allah said, "Who resembles a people, he was among them. (Reported by Abu Dawud)

They say. We mengucapakan reply. Means we like them. God has set Islam as the true religion, and only accepted Islam in his side.
Only Allah Islamic Received

Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not ever be accepted (the religion) thereof, and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose. (Surah Ali Imron: 85)

[This verse like 3:19: blessed religion with Allah is only Islam]

God has made his position clear. Now it's up to us: if we want to stay true to the willingness of God? Or do we want to stay true to the perverse will of man?
Jews / Christians Not Happy Till You Follow Religion They

Jews and Christians will not be pleased to you until you follow their religion. Say: "Verily Allah clues that hint (true)". And verily if thou follow their desires after the knowledge came unto you, that God is no longer the protector and helper for you. (Surat al-Baqara: 120)

Please choose themselves. I do not want to take the risk that the recorded ucapakan Merry Christmas angels as shirk. Because if so, then I will hit a major sin, which is not forgiven, and will go to hell just because they want to cheer tentangga / brother who calculated the Enemy of God by God Himself.

If my parents telephone and say Merry Christmas, then I replied with a "thank you" and of course I have already explained that I could not attend the Christmas anymore. Despite that, they still used calling me every year and always send gifts.

Religion of God is clear. Teachings and Islamic law is clear. I do not want to sell the Signs of Allah or God's law for very little cost. I want to hold on to the teachings of Allah and the example of Prophet Muhammad (saw.) by way of caution against things that are not 100% clear, especially when the case comes from another religion dila'nat God.

Hadith of the Prophet of Nu `man bin Bashir:" Verily what what is lawful and what it has been unclear what the bastard had been clear, but between them it is doubtful many (such as halal, haram like) most people do not know that it was doubtful . Anyone who maintains himself from the doubtful, then Disinfect religion and his honor, but he who falls on the doubtful then it means he has fallen to the haram, kind people who eat animal mengembalakan the ban area. Know that every king has a ban, and know that Allah ban is nothing that is forbidden to him (hence not only approached haram). "

Try your swatch hadiths in which the Prophet say Merry Christmas. If there is, I've never seen it. And therefore, pronounce sentence, which was never spoken Prophet (saw.) is heresy. If this is a good case for the Muslims, then of course the Prophet Muhammad (saw.) have started first with a neighbor who was a Christian.
Each Heresy is Heresy

From Jabir ra. who said: Behold the Prophet Muhammad once said in a sermon Friday: "Amma ba'du, Truly the best of speech is the Book of Allah (the Qur'an), and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad SAW and the most evil of deeds (in religion) is a diada-invent, and every heresy (which diada-held) it is misguided. "(Muslim)
There are two options for Us:

God chose the path clear and also examples of the Prophet (saw.) clear to leave shirk case, doubtful and heresy.
Or please follow the will of the Gentiles (by saying Merry Christmas).

Bish-sowab Allaah knows best. [Eramuslim]


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