With Calling the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Observing the rapid development of Islam in the World
"If there has come the help of Allah and victory. You see people enter Allah's religion in droves "(Surah An-Nasr: 1-2)
Amount of data that is composed by Demented Vision (2007), from an observation in the United States about the growing amount of followers of world religions is interesting to observe. Of the observational data, there are figures showing growth comparison adherents of Islam and Christianity in the world. The agency noted, in 1900, the number of Christians is 26.9% of the total world population, while only 12.4% of Muslims.
Eighty years later (1980), the figure was changed. Christian grew 3.1% to 30%, and Muslims increased 4.1% to 16.5% of the entire population of the earth. At the turn of the second millennium, which is 20 years later (2000), the number was changed again but there is a difference of interest. Christian declined 0.1% to 29.9% and Muslims rose again to 19.2%. By 2025, that number is projected to be changed to: resident Christian 25% (down 4.9%) and Muslims will be 30% (rapid rise 10.8%) caught up with Christian.
When the average is taken, Islamic adherents increased 2.9% per year. This growth is faster than the growth in the number of inhabitants of the earth itself which is only 2.3% per year. 17 years from now, when Islam was constant growth, from birth and who converted to Islam in various countries, means that the prediction is true, Islam will be the religion of the highest number of adherents in the world, Christianity became the second shift.
World Almanac and Book of Fact, # 1 New York Times Bestseller, noting the total number of Muslims around the world in 2004 was over 1.2 billion (1,226,403,000), the year 2007 has reached over 1.5 billion (1,522,813,123 people). This means that, within 3 years, Muslims have additional amount of approximately 300 million people (equal to the number of Muslims in Southeast Asia).
Phenomenon that does not make sense
Phenomenon in America itself is very interesting. Strongly sense the government of George Bush and American figures, Americans flocked to Islam even after bombing the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001, known as 9/11 is very denigrate the image of Islam. Post 9/11 was an era of the most rapid growth of Islam that never existed precedent in American history. 8 million Muslims in America and now there are 20,000 Americans convert to Islam each year after the bombing. Islam creed statement continues in American cities such as New York, Los Angeles, California, Chicago, Dallas, Texas and others.
On the basis of these facts, plus the influx of Islam outside the United States, as in Europe and some other countries, some American figures stated conclusions. The Population Reference Bureau USA Today itself concludes: "Moslems are the world fastest growing group." Cinton Rodham Clinton, wife of former President Clinton was quoted as saying by the Los Angeles Times said, "Islam is the fastest growing religion in America." Then, Geraldine Baum said: "Islam is the fastest growing religion in the country" (Newsday Religion Writer, Newsday). "Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States," said Ari L. Goldman told the New York Times.
Due to the magnetic power of Islam, on 19 April 2007, held a conference at Middlebury College, Middlebury Vt. to anticipate the future of Islam in America with the headline "Is Islam a Truly American religion?" (Is America Islam is the real religion?) featuring Prof. Jane Smith who wrote many books on Islam in America. The conference itself is a series of lectures on Immigrant and Religion in America. Of the conference, clearly illustrated how the openness of American society received a new wave of inevitable that Islam will become the dominant identity in the super power country.
Events of 9/11 mystery unexpected. The bombing was condemned the world, especially America, as savage and barbaric pieces of the hands of the "Islamic terrorists." After the incident, the Muslims in America, especially immigrants from the Middle East feel the sap run into a very severe condition psiokologis: suspected, terrorized, assaulted, harassed and associated with terrorists. The same thing experienced by Muslims in the UK, France, Germany and other European countries.
George Walker Bush government soon tighten immigration rules and supervise Muslim immigrants to excess. Fox News Channel broadcast television, the weekly show "In Focus" held a discussion with invited six speakers, themed "Stop All Muslim Immigration to Protect America and Economy." This event illustrates concerns not only in America but also economic terrorism issue where the influence Arab businessmen and the Middle East began to dominant and control the American economy.
However, Islam apparently evolved in its own way. Islam broke "common sense logic" of modern man. How could a group of people determined to commit savage killing many innocent people in the name of religion, but not long after the event, instead of thousands of people flocked to have embraced the faith and find peace in it?
Events of 9/11 has become an icon function that produces the flow of history that is not logical and surprising. In addition to 20,000 Americans convert to Islam each year after that incident, thousands of others from non-American countries (Europe, China, Korea, Japan etc.) also take the same decision to convert to Islam. How does this current can be explained? As far as I know, the answer is "no" in the theories of social movements since the phenomenon is an anomaly. Thus, this phenomenon can only be explained by the "theory of the hand of God."
Hand of God in the form of a real blessing in disguise is behind the events of 9/11 and this was recognized by the American Muslim community. Since the events of 9/11 was a terrible blamed on Islam, the various layers of American society precisely kuriositasnya then invited to learn Islam more. Partly because pure merely want to know it, some learn with a dibenaknya question: "how is it possible in modern times and civilized religion" teaches "terror, violence and suicide bombing with hundreds of innocent victims?"
However, both curiosity was based on the same thing: Ignorance of Islam (ignorance at all about Islam). Previously, the source of knowledge of Western societies (American and European) of Islam is only one media that portray Islam is nothing but bad stereotypes such as terrorists, uncivilized, cruel against women and the like. As witnessed Eric, a Texas resident Muslim cricketer, after the events of 9/11, the American public became curious about Islam, they then busy buying and reading the Qur'an every day, read biographies of Muhammad and Islamic books to learn contents.
The result, from reading the source directly, they become aware of the true teachings of Islam. Rather than increasing hatred, the opposite happened. Discover the majesty and beauty of the teachings of this religion.
Greatness of Islam is met at the right time with aridity, anxiety and spiritual drought that secular American society over the years. Therefore, Islam is precisely the answer to their spiritual search process for this. Islam became a melting point above freezing during this spiritual experience of American society. This is the trigger of American Islamization astonishing social and political observers. This is the hand of God behind the events / 9/11.
Motivation to Become Muslim
Of many television interviews America, Europe and the Middle East against those who convert to Islam or video-blog video that explains a lot of the motivation of the new converters to Islam, describing the configuration of diverse backgrounds.
First, because they were previously secular life, not directional, no purpose, life is only money, music and fun. Lifestyle it creates dryness and mental anxiety. They feel the chaos of life, unlike the Muslim people they know. In the frenetic modern world facilities abundant material and many of those who feel the emptiness and unhappiness. When discovering Islam from reading the Qur'an, from a book or a Muslim friend who lives day-to-day religious, easily they convert to Islam.
Second, feel the tranquility, peace and happiness that she had never felt before in the Christian religion. In Islam they feel a connection with God is direct and close. Some devout Christians even as the church priest admitted they like it when interviewed by television. Allison from North Caroline and Barbara Cartabuka, one among the 6.5 million Americans who converted to Islam after 9/11, as reported by Veronica De La Cruz on CNN Headline News, Allison claiming "Islam is much more about peace." While Barbara does not never felt at peace during the Roman Catholic as she felt after becoming a Muslim now.
Likewise perceived by Mr. Taufik Idris, a former Catholic priest in London, in an interview with Al-Jazeera television. The former pastor is to see and feel inner peace in Islam which has never felt before when he became mendeta in London. He converted to Islam after travel to Egypt. He was surprised to see people are were not Muslims in the West televisions. He admitted, previously only know Islam from the media. He was often moved to tears when watching the Muslims pray and now he feels happiness after becoming a Muslim in London.
Third, he sought to find the truth. Some converters recognize the concepts of Islam more rational or more sense as the oneness of God, the purity of the holy book, the resurrection (resurrection) and the remission of sins (salvation) than in Christianity. Much of the American public sees Christianity as a religion in the conservative doctrines. Eric a Cricket player in Texas, the hometown of George Bush, concluded such and chose Islam. As a Muslim cricketer, he often prayed at the edge of the field. In Christianity, he said, prayer should always be to the Church.
One other converters provide testimony that is proud to be Muslim. He explained that for decades has Roman Catholic and Evangelical Christians. He claimed to find the weaknesses of Christian doctrine after witnessing an open debate on "Is Jesus God?" (Is Jesus God?) Between Ahmad Deedat, an Islamic leader from South Africa and a Christian theologian. Dedaat arguments in the discussion he is much more clear, robust and satisfying than the Christian theologians. Interestingly, the first mission he was actually watching a religious debate to know about Islam because he was determined to spread the gospel to Muslim societies. The opposite happens, he instead found excellence in various aspects of Islamic doctrine than Christianity. Angela Collins, a California artist known for his film Leguna Beach and is now the Director of Islamic School, when interviewed by NBC News megapa he converted to Islam, he said: "I was seeking the truth and I've found it in Islam. Now I have this belief and I love this belief, "he said proudly.
Fourth, many American Muslim women apparently concluded that Islam is protecting and respecting women. In other words, women in Islam is glorified and highly respected position. Although they do not agree with polygamy, they look very respected position of women in Islam than in modern western civilization. Convert an American woman named Tania, feels his life chaotic and unfocused ofetn in freedom in America. He can do whatever he wants to pleasure, but he felt actually harmful and degrading to women. After studying Islam, initially felt insecure. After knowing how Islam treats women, she just said "women in Islam is so honored. This is a nice religion not for people like me! "He said. He converted to Islam after studying a few months of his Muslim friends.
The development of Islam in the Western world is more real because they are accustomed to thinking prospective open. In the American family, religion election is conducted freely and independently. Many parents support their children to be Muslim as long as it is his free and independent. They are easy to convert to Islam when finding the truth there. Angela Collin became Muslim with the support of both parents. When interviewed by NBC television, parents should feel proud because Angela is an "independent person." Nancy teenager 15 years old, converted to Islam after Pakistan's hanging out near his family and his family are not concerned despite the long life of the Christian tradition.
Impact Islamic Relations - Western
This development would have a significant effect on the relationship between Islam and the West (Christian) who have suffered centuries of historical tensions. With the rapid development of Muslims in America, Europe and other developed countries, will have a significant effect on a few things. Among them:
First, the West will be closer and more familiar with Islam through Muslims in the West itself. They will bridge kesalahafahaman that always happens against Islam and the Muslims. Dislike of the West against Islam more because of the ignorance of Islam and this will be further reduced.
Muslims in the West will be an effective communicator and a reliable ambassadors to explain and show the real face of Islam there. Through them, the fate of Muslims outside of the West will be voiced and suffering for the sake of suffering Muslim nations due to Western dominance often unjust policy will be reduced.
Second, the result of the teachings of Islam in the West and increasingly socialized political voice of the Muslims grew stronger, creating a bridge for mutual understanding and understanding will be more conducive and strengthened. Islam and the West will hopefully get into a new equilibrium history of a more just, more fair and more democratic: "When comes the help of Allah and the victory, and you will see people going into the religion of Allah in droves". Wallahu a'alam!!
Observing the rapid development of Islam in the World
"If there has come the help of Allah and victory. You see people enter Allah's religion in droves "(Surah An-Nasr: 1-2)
Amount of data that is composed by Demented Vision (2007), from an observation in the United States about the growing amount of followers of world religions is interesting to observe. Of the observational data, there are figures showing growth comparison adherents of Islam and Christianity in the world. The agency noted, in 1900, the number of Christians is 26.9% of the total world population, while only 12.4% of Muslims.
Eighty years later (1980), the figure was changed. Christian grew 3.1% to 30%, and Muslims increased 4.1% to 16.5% of the entire population of the earth. At the turn of the second millennium, which is 20 years later (2000), the number was changed again but there is a difference of interest. Christian declined 0.1% to 29.9% and Muslims rose again to 19.2%. By 2025, that number is projected to be changed to: resident Christian 25% (down 4.9%) and Muslims will be 30% (rapid rise 10.8%) caught up with Christian.
When the average is taken, Islamic adherents increased 2.9% per year. This growth is faster than the growth in the number of inhabitants of the earth itself which is only 2.3% per year. 17 years from now, when Islam was constant growth, from birth and who converted to Islam in various countries, means that the prediction is true, Islam will be the religion of the highest number of adherents in the world, Christianity became the second shift.
World Almanac and Book of Fact, # 1 New York Times Bestseller, noting the total number of Muslims around the world in 2004 was over 1.2 billion (1,226,403,000), the year 2007 has reached over 1.5 billion (1,522,813,123 people). This means that, within 3 years, Muslims have additional amount of approximately 300 million people (equal to the number of Muslims in Southeast Asia).
Phenomenon that does not make sense
Phenomenon in America itself is very interesting. Strongly sense the government of George Bush and American figures, Americans flocked to Islam even after bombing the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001, known as 9/11 is very denigrate the image of Islam. Post 9/11 was an era of the most rapid growth of Islam that never existed precedent in American history. 8 million Muslims in America and now there are 20,000 Americans convert to Islam each year after the bombing. Islam creed statement continues in American cities such as New York, Los Angeles, California, Chicago, Dallas, Texas and others.
On the basis of these facts, plus the influx of Islam outside the United States, as in Europe and some other countries, some American figures stated conclusions. The Population Reference Bureau USA Today itself concludes: "Moslems are the world fastest growing group." Cinton Rodham Clinton, wife of former President Clinton was quoted as saying by the Los Angeles Times said, "Islam is the fastest growing religion in America." Then, Geraldine Baum said: "Islam is the fastest growing religion in the country" (Newsday Religion Writer, Newsday). "Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States," said Ari L. Goldman told the New York Times.
Due to the magnetic power of Islam, on 19 April 2007, held a conference at Middlebury College, Middlebury Vt. to anticipate the future of Islam in America with the headline "Is Islam a Truly American religion?" (Is America Islam is the real religion?) featuring Prof. Jane Smith who wrote many books on Islam in America. The conference itself is a series of lectures on Immigrant and Religion in America. Of the conference, clearly illustrated how the openness of American society received a new wave of inevitable that Islam will become the dominant identity in the super power country.
Events of 9/11 mystery unexpected. The bombing was condemned the world, especially America, as savage and barbaric pieces of the hands of the "Islamic terrorists." After the incident, the Muslims in America, especially immigrants from the Middle East feel the sap run into a very severe condition psiokologis: suspected, terrorized, assaulted, harassed and associated with terrorists. The same thing experienced by Muslims in the UK, France, Germany and other European countries.
George Walker Bush government soon tighten immigration rules and supervise Muslim immigrants to excess. Fox News Channel broadcast television, the weekly show "In Focus" held a discussion with invited six speakers, themed "Stop All Muslim Immigration to Protect America and Economy." This event illustrates concerns not only in America but also economic terrorism issue where the influence Arab businessmen and the Middle East began to dominant and control the American economy.
However, Islam apparently evolved in its own way. Islam broke "common sense logic" of modern man. How could a group of people determined to commit savage killing many innocent people in the name of religion, but not long after the event, instead of thousands of people flocked to have embraced the faith and find peace in it?
Events of 9/11 has become an icon function that produces the flow of history that is not logical and surprising. In addition to 20,000 Americans convert to Islam each year after that incident, thousands of others from non-American countries (Europe, China, Korea, Japan etc.) also take the same decision to convert to Islam. How does this current can be explained? As far as I know, the answer is "no" in the theories of social movements since the phenomenon is an anomaly. Thus, this phenomenon can only be explained by the "theory of the hand of God."
Hand of God in the form of a real blessing in disguise is behind the events of 9/11 and this was recognized by the American Muslim community. Since the events of 9/11 was a terrible blamed on Islam, the various layers of American society precisely kuriositasnya then invited to learn Islam more. Partly because pure merely want to know it, some learn with a dibenaknya question: "how is it possible in modern times and civilized religion" teaches "terror, violence and suicide bombing with hundreds of innocent victims?"
However, both curiosity was based on the same thing: Ignorance of Islam (ignorance at all about Islam). Previously, the source of knowledge of Western societies (American and European) of Islam is only one media that portray Islam is nothing but bad stereotypes such as terrorists, uncivilized, cruel against women and the like. As witnessed Eric, a Texas resident Muslim cricketer, after the events of 9/11, the American public became curious about Islam, they then busy buying and reading the Qur'an every day, read biographies of Muhammad and Islamic books to learn contents.
The result, from reading the source directly, they become aware of the true teachings of Islam. Rather than increasing hatred, the opposite happened. Discover the majesty and beauty of the teachings of this religion.
Greatness of Islam is met at the right time with aridity, anxiety and spiritual drought that secular American society over the years. Therefore, Islam is precisely the answer to their spiritual search process for this. Islam became a melting point above freezing during this spiritual experience of American society. This is the trigger of American Islamization astonishing social and political observers. This is the hand of God behind the events / 9/11.
Motivation to Become Muslim
Of many television interviews America, Europe and the Middle East against those who convert to Islam or video-blog video that explains a lot of the motivation of the new converters to Islam, describing the configuration of diverse backgrounds.
First, because they were previously secular life, not directional, no purpose, life is only money, music and fun. Lifestyle it creates dryness and mental anxiety. They feel the chaos of life, unlike the Muslim people they know. In the frenetic modern world facilities abundant material and many of those who feel the emptiness and unhappiness. When discovering Islam from reading the Qur'an, from a book or a Muslim friend who lives day-to-day religious, easily they convert to Islam.
Second, feel the tranquility, peace and happiness that she had never felt before in the Christian religion. In Islam they feel a connection with God is direct and close. Some devout Christians even as the church priest admitted they like it when interviewed by television. Allison from North Caroline and Barbara Cartabuka, one among the 6.5 million Americans who converted to Islam after 9/11, as reported by Veronica De La Cruz on CNN Headline News, Allison claiming "Islam is much more about peace." While Barbara does not never felt at peace during the Roman Catholic as she felt after becoming a Muslim now.
Likewise perceived by Mr. Taufik Idris, a former Catholic priest in London, in an interview with Al-Jazeera television. The former pastor is to see and feel inner peace in Islam which has never felt before when he became mendeta in London. He converted to Islam after travel to Egypt. He was surprised to see people are were not Muslims in the West televisions. He admitted, previously only know Islam from the media. He was often moved to tears when watching the Muslims pray and now he feels happiness after becoming a Muslim in London.
Third, he sought to find the truth. Some converters recognize the concepts of Islam more rational or more sense as the oneness of God, the purity of the holy book, the resurrection (resurrection) and the remission of sins (salvation) than in Christianity. Much of the American public sees Christianity as a religion in the conservative doctrines. Eric a Cricket player in Texas, the hometown of George Bush, concluded such and chose Islam. As a Muslim cricketer, he often prayed at the edge of the field. In Christianity, he said, prayer should always be to the Church.
One other converters provide testimony that is proud to be Muslim. He explained that for decades has Roman Catholic and Evangelical Christians. He claimed to find the weaknesses of Christian doctrine after witnessing an open debate on "Is Jesus God?" (Is Jesus God?) Between Ahmad Deedat, an Islamic leader from South Africa and a Christian theologian. Dedaat arguments in the discussion he is much more clear, robust and satisfying than the Christian theologians. Interestingly, the first mission he was actually watching a religious debate to know about Islam because he was determined to spread the gospel to Muslim societies. The opposite happens, he instead found excellence in various aspects of Islamic doctrine than Christianity. Angela Collins, a California artist known for his film Leguna Beach and is now the Director of Islamic School, when interviewed by NBC News megapa he converted to Islam, he said: "I was seeking the truth and I've found it in Islam. Now I have this belief and I love this belief, "he said proudly.
Fourth, many American Muslim women apparently concluded that Islam is protecting and respecting women. In other words, women in Islam is glorified and highly respected position. Although they do not agree with polygamy, they look very respected position of women in Islam than in modern western civilization. Convert an American woman named Tania, feels his life chaotic and unfocused ofetn in freedom in America. He can do whatever he wants to pleasure, but he felt actually harmful and degrading to women. After studying Islam, initially felt insecure. After knowing how Islam treats women, she just said "women in Islam is so honored. This is a nice religion not for people like me! "He said. He converted to Islam after studying a few months of his Muslim friends.
The development of Islam in the Western world is more real because they are accustomed to thinking prospective open. In the American family, religion election is conducted freely and independently. Many parents support their children to be Muslim as long as it is his free and independent. They are easy to convert to Islam when finding the truth there. Angela Collin became Muslim with the support of both parents. When interviewed by NBC television, parents should feel proud because Angela is an "independent person." Nancy teenager 15 years old, converted to Islam after Pakistan's hanging out near his family and his family are not concerned despite the long life of the Christian tradition.
Impact Islamic Relations - Western
This development would have a significant effect on the relationship between Islam and the West (Christian) who have suffered centuries of historical tensions. With the rapid development of Muslims in America, Europe and other developed countries, will have a significant effect on a few things. Among them:
First, the West will be closer and more familiar with Islam through Muslims in the West itself. They will bridge kesalahafahaman that always happens against Islam and the Muslims. Dislike of the West against Islam more because of the ignorance of Islam and this will be further reduced.
Muslims in the West will be an effective communicator and a reliable ambassadors to explain and show the real face of Islam there. Through them, the fate of Muslims outside of the West will be voiced and suffering for the sake of suffering Muslim nations due to Western dominance often unjust policy will be reduced.
Second, the result of the teachings of Islam in the West and increasingly socialized political voice of the Muslims grew stronger, creating a bridge for mutual understanding and understanding will be more conducive and strengthened. Islam and the West will hopefully get into a new equilibrium history of a more just, more fair and more democratic: "When comes the help of Allah and the victory, and you will see people going into the religion of Allah in droves". Wallahu a'alam!!
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