Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Fellow Muslim brother ...
Let us do a flashback moment to the events in the month of Ramadan filled with blessings. We hoped to learn and observe these events, we can get a lot of wisdom and valuable lessons for our daily lives. Two years after our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam emigrated to Medina, coinciding with the glorious month of Ramadan, there was a big event but it is often forgotten the Muslims. The event was the battle of Badr.

Referred to as a major event, because of the battle of Badr was the beginning of the event in a large capacity weapon made between defenders of Islam and the enemies of Islam. So great this event, the day God called teradinya the event by Yaum Al Furqan (the difference) because at that time, God, the One who lowers Islamic law, wanted to distinguish between the Truth with falsehood. At that moment God took the degree of truth with a limited number of strengths and condescending sleaze despite 3-fold the amount of strength. God sends a great help to the Muslims and their win over the enemies of Islam.

It is very unfortunate, many of the Muslims at the time we neglect this historic event. In fact, by reading these events, we can recall the history of the Companions who desperately fighting for Islam, that with it, we can feel the beauty of this religion.

Before you continue writing, our writing is not a goal reminiscent bring to invite you to have a full moon days of the war memorial, as well as posts do not peel the history, because it can be obtained by referring to the history books. This paper only tries to invite readers to contemplate ibrah and valuable lessons on the history behind the pieces of the battle of Badr.

Battle Background

One time his fame among the Muslims that Abu Sufyan Medina along caravan trade, was about to go home from Sham to Makkah. Easy road to travel and the nearest Syam must pass through Medina to Mecca. This valuable opportunity exploited by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the Companions to seize their merchandise. Their property be lawful for the Muslims. Why is that? Is not treasure and blood of innocent infidels it is unlawful?

There are at least two reasons that lead to treasure The Quraish are lawful for the Companions:

Quraish infidels are infidels harbi status, ie disbelievers who openly fight against the Muslims, expel the Muslims from their homeland in Mecca, and forbade Muslims to make use of their own property.
There is no peace treaty between the Muslims and the Quraish infidels who fight the Muslims.

For this reason, they are entitled to take back the treasure that had they lived and confiscate the polytheists.

Furthermore the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam set out with three hundred and thirteen companions so. Historians disagree in determining the amount of the Muslim army in the Battle of Badr. Some say 313, 317, and some other opinion. Therefore, we should not exaggerate in addressing these figures, so the numbers serve as an idol or a sacred number, sort by LDII 313 figures that make their organization as a sacred number to the notion that it is the number of Badr forces.

Among the three hundred dozen troops, there are two horsemen and 70 camels which they rode turn. 70 people in the rest of the Emigrants and Helpers.

While on the other hand, the disbelievers of Quraysh when they heard the news that the caravan of Abu Sufyan asked for help, with the sudden they prepare their strength of 1000 personnel, 600 armor, 100 horses, and 700 camels, and with a full arsenal. Leave with full pride and show off the power under the leadership of Abu Jahl.

God Originator Other

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the Companions out of Madinah, hoping to block the caravan of Abu Sufyan. Seize their treasure as compensation for property left behind in the muhajirin Makah. Nevertheless, they may be worried that they met precisely army. Therefore, the Companions brought weapons is not as complete weapons during the war. However, the other God's will. God ordained the monotheism that this small force met with troops shirk. God wants to show the greatness of his religion, degrading shirk. God in His word describing their story:

وإذ يعدكم الله إحدى الطائفتين أنها لكم وتودون أن غير ذات الشوكة تكون لكم ويريد الله أن يحق الحق بكلماته ويقطع دابر الكافرين

"And (remember) when Allah promised you that one of the two parties (you face) is for you, while you want that Power Hidden weapon that does not have the one that you (your face, pent. Namely caravan), and God willed to justify the right with his verses and destroy the disbelievers. "(Surat Al Anfal: 7)

Thus the picture of the pious. Expectations of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the Companions did not materialize. They want the caravan treasure, but that they actually get the troops ready for war. This fact provides an important lesson in a matter of belief that not all desired pious person always granted by God. Allah has power over all things, nothing is able to control the desires of God. No matter how great one's piety, however high one chaplain at all levels can not change what God wants.

Arrogance of Satan Troops

When Abu Sufyan managed to escape from the pursuing forces of the Muslims, he immediately sent a letter to the troops about how she Mecca and Mecca called for troops returning home. However, with his arrogant, gang kingpin kesyirikan forces are reluctant to accept this offer. He actually said,

"By God, we will not be back until we arrived at Badr. We would stay there three days, slaughtering camels, binge eating, drinking khamr, listen to the people sang songs biduwanita Arabia and knowing we always scared us ... "

The arrogance they describe God in His Word,

ولا تكونوا كالذين خرجوا من ديارهم بطرا ورئاء الناس ويصدون عن سبيل الله والله بما يعملون محيط

"And do not be like those who come out of the village with a sense of pride and with intent riya 'to humans and hinder (men) from the way of Allah. And (science) Allah encompasses what they do ... "(Surat al-Anfal: 47)

They do not realize that what they are doing it under the arrangement of God, because it is covered by their arrogance. They do not realize that God's power to turn things around them. That picture of the demon army, very far from the humility and trust to the Almighty.

There is no rival loyalties

When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam feel confident that that will be encountered is the army and not the caravan, he began to worry and fear for courage and spirit companions. He realized that his troops would face far greater strength than the strength of his forces yanng lead. Therefore, do not be surprised if there are some who feel the weight of the Companions of the departure of the troops towards Badr. God in His word describing their condition,

كما أخرجك ربك من بيتك بالحق وإن فريقا من المؤمنين لكارهون

"As the Lord told you to go out of your house with the truth, when in fact most of the people who believe it is not love." (Surat Al Anfal: 5)

Meanwhile, the commander of immigrants, such as Abu Bakr and Umar ibn Al-Khattab did not loosen, and better move on. However, this has not been deemed sufficient by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He still wants concrete proof of loyalty from the other Companions. Finally, to eliminate the anxiety, he conferred with the Companions, asking them to determine the attitude certainty are two options: (1) continue the war whatever the conditions, or (2) returned to Medina.

Go forward Al-Miqdad bin 'Amr and said, "O Messenger of Allah, go ahead according to what Allah has commanded you. We will be with you. By Allah, we will not say as the Children of Israel to Moses, saying: 'Go thou alone, O Moses with your Rab (Allah) and fight you two, we let sit here alone. [1] '"Then Al-Miqdad went on:" But pegilah you with your Rab (Allah), then fight you both, and we will go to battle with you two. By the One Who sent you with the truth, if you go to the bottom of the well to bring us the dark, we also are ready to fight with you until you can reach it. "

Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave good comments on the words of Al Miqdad and mendo'akan for her kindness. Furthermore, the leaders of Sa'ad ibn Muadh radi 'anhu, commander of the Ansar.

Sa'ad said, "We have faith in you. We have confirmed you. Suppose you are with us unobstructed ocean and then you plunge into the ocean, we will jump with you .... "Sa'd radi 'anhu said," Perhaps you are afraid, lest the Ansar would not help you except in the township they (Medina). Actually I speak and give answers to the name of the Ansar. Therefore, go forth as you want .... "

In-Touch Angle Night Life ...

On that night, the night of Friday 17 Ramadan 2 AH, the Prophet of Allah Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam more prayers near the trees. While Allah sent down sleepiness to the Muslims as a sedative for them so he could rest. While on the other mushrikeen in a state of anxiety. Fear Allah revealed to them. As he always say a prayer to God. For help and assistance from Him. Among the prayers read the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is repeated,

"... O God, if Thou willed (in their win), you will not be worshiped. O Allah, if this small force destroyed thee this day, Thou will not be worshiped ..... "

He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam repeated this prayer shawl until he tarjatuh as ever pray, then came Abu Bakar As Siddiq radi' anhu put his scarf that fell as she hugged him ... "Self-sufficient, O Messenger of Allah ..."

About this story, immortalized in the Word of God,

إذ يوحي ربك إلى الملائكة أني معكم فثبتوا الذين آمنوا سألقي في قلوب الذين كفروا الرعب فاضربوا فوق الأعناق واضربوا منهم كل بنان (12) ذلك بأنهم شاقوا الله ورسوله ومن يشاقق الله ورسوله فإن الله شديد العقاب (13)

"Remember) when your Lord revealed to the angels:" Behold, I am with you, then be confirmed (the establishment of) those who believe ". Later I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, then cut their heads and strike off every fingertip them. (Provisions) that it is so because they oppose Allah and His Messenger, and whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger, Allah is strict in punishment. "(Surat Al Anfal: 12-13)

Evidence of miracles He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam

After he set up rows of soldiers companions, then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam two runs in the fighting forces. Then his gesture, "This is where the killing of so and so, it places the death of so and so, there where the killing of so and so ...."

None of the unbelievers who he called his name, but died right where he hinted sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Burning embers Wars Begin

Who first sparked the war is Al Aswad Al Makhzumi, a moral bad mannered and rude. He's out of line while challenging unbelievers. His arrival was greeted by Hamzah bin Abdul Muthallib radi 'anhu. After facing each other, Hamzah radi 'anhu immediately snatch up his sword Al Aswad Al Makhzumi foot drop. After that, Al Aswad crawled into the pond and drowned in it. Hamzah then swung once again when he was in the pond. This is the first time that the victim Badar war ignited.

Furthermore, three horsemen of the Mushrikeen reliable. All three are from one family. Syaibah bin Rabi'a, Utbah bin Rabi'a, and his son Al-Walid bin Utbah. They responded to the arrival of three young Ansar, ie Auf bin Harith, Mu'awwidz bin Harith and Abdullah bin Rawahah. However, the third unbelievers reject shootout duel with three Ansar and they ask people respected among immigrants. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered Ali, Hamzah and Ubaidah bin Harith to go forward. Dealing with Ubaidah Al Walid, Ali faced with Syaibah, and Hamzah dealing with Utbah. For Ali and Hamza, his face no difficulties. Another case with Ubaidah. Each attack each other, to each injured. Then the opponent Ubaidah killed by Ali radi 'anhu. Peritiwa on this, immortalized in the word of God,

هذان خصمان اختصموا في ربهم

"These are the two groups (groups of believers and the unbelievers) who fight, they fight with each other about their Lord (Allah) ..." (Surat al-Hajj: 19)

Furthermore, Meet the two forces. Battle ensued between the defense-Tawheed and Shirk defenders. They fought because of differences in religious principle, not because of world conquest. Meanwhile, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was in his tent, giving the command to the troops. Abu Bakr and Sa'ad bin Muadh radi 'anhuma charge of guarding him. Never give up, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam constantly chanting prayers and pleading for help and the help of God. Sometimes he was out of the tent and said, "Forces (Quraish) will be defeated and bent backwards ..."

He also always gives motivation to the Companions to fight. He said, "By God, someone is not fighting them on this day, then he is killed with patience and hope for reward, and move forward and never retreat, surely Allah will enter him into Paradise."

Suddenly stood Umair bin Al Himam Al Ansari while bringing some dates to eat, he asked, "O Messenger of Allah, is Paradise as wide as the width of the heavens and the earth?" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied, "Yes." Then Umair said: " Bakh Bakh ... ... (shocked expression). O Messenger of Allah, between myself and me in paradise is when they kill me. By Allah, I suppose life must eat dates first, really this is the age that is too long. Then he threw its date, and plunged into battle until killed. "

In another occasion, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam took a handful of sand and threw it into the enemy ranks. So that no one except his infidel filled with sand. They were busy with their own eyes, as a sign of the will of the miracles He Essence Ruler of the universe.

The strong influence of Close Friends In Life

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade to kill Abul Bakhtari. Because when in Mecca, he often protect the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and who has the initiative to abort boycott the Banu Hashim. One time bin Ziyad Al Mujadzar meet him in the midst of battle. When, it was Abul Bakhtari colleagues. Thus, Al Mujadzar said, "O Abul Bakhtari, verily the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade us to kill you."

"And what about my friend here?", Said Abul Bakhtari
"By God, we will not let your friend." Replied Al Mujadzar.

Eventually they both attack, so it was forced to kill Abul Al Mujadzar Bakhtari.

Victory For The Muslims

Long story short, idolaters forces defeated and forced back. Muslims forces killed and arrested several of them. There are seventy disbelievers were killed and seventy were taken captive. Among the 70 who were killed there 24 leaders of the Quraish Mushrikeen dragged and inserted into the holes at Badr. Included among the 24 men was Abu Jahl, Syaibah bin Rabi'a, Utbah bin Rabi'a and his son, Al-Walid bin Utbah.

Thus badar war, a small army capable of defeating a larger army by God's leave. Allah says,

كم من فئة قليلة غلبت فئة كثيرة بإذن الله والله مع الصابرين

"... How many classes that little can beat a lot of classes with the permission of Allah. And Allah is with those who patiently persevere. "(Surat al-Baqara: 249)

They ...
They won not because of force of arms
They won not because of the power of the number of personnel
They WON because of war in order to enforce the sentence of God and defend their religion ...
Allahu Al Musta'an ...

[1] The words of Al Miqdad radi 'anhu are quoted from the word of God surah Al Maidah: 24


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