Monday, 27 May 2013

Tawhid Beneficial For The Infidels

Benefits of monotheism for unbelievers and believers

1. Tawhid As Shelter

Tawheed can be a refuge for God's enemies as well as a shelter for his defenders. As a refuge for His enemies, namely monotheism can save the idolaters of all difficulties and calamities the world [alone]. In one verse, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says,

فإذا ركبوا في الفلك دعوا الله مخلصين له الدين فلما نجاهم إلى البر إذا هم يشركون

"So when they boarded the ship they pray to Allah with obedience to Him purifies; hence when God saves them to the ground, suddenly they (re) associate (Allah)." (Surah al-Ankabuut: 65)

As for the protection of his defenders, namely monotheism could save believers from every trouble and calamity world and the hereafter.

Hence the Prophet Jonah refuge with monotheism until finally God save him 'alaihi salam of darkness (fish belly) that enveloped him. [1] Similarly, carried by the faithful followers of the Apostles. They were rescued from the cruelty of the idolaters in the world and from the torment prepared for the polytheists in the afterlife. But when Pharaoh tried to seek refuge in monotheism when he saw destruction (end of life) and convinced her to sink, monotheism was no benefit to him. [2] For the new faith came as torment (death) has been shown not to accepted.
2. Tawhid is the Road Safety

Thus sunnatullah set for His servants. There is no more powerful weapon to resist the difficulties in the world other than monotheism. Hence, the prayer when grief-stricken containing monotheism. One of them is the prayer of the petition of the Prophet Yunus (Dhu'l Nuun). If the prayer is read by people who are struggling Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will eliminate the difficulty was due tauhidullah contained therein.

So there is nothing that could plunge a person into big trouble than polytheism. Conversely, there is nothing that can save someone from big trouble but monotheism alone. Tawheed is a haven for all creatures at once fortress and their helpers.


Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, Fawaidul Fawaid Chapter Benefits of Tawheed in the World and in the Hereafter, Imam Ash-Shafi'i Library, 2012

[1] In Surat al-Anbiya verse 87 the prophet Jonah prayed to mention monotheism, "There is no God (worthy of worship) besides you. Glory to Thee, verily I was among those who do wrong. "

[2] This description refers to the word of God: "And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and they were followed by the Pharaoh and his armies, that they might persecute and oppress (them); until when overwhelmed with flood, he said : "I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel, and I am among those who have surrendered (unto Allah)". Is now (just got to believe), when in fact you were disobedient long ago, and you are among those who do mischief. So on this day We save your body so that you can be a lesson for those who come sesudahmu and truly, most of men unmindful of Our signs. "


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