Understanding the Fate of God
Faith in Destiny
Muslims who may be glorified by Allah Ta'ala, one of the pillars of faith that must be believed by all Muslims believe in fate is neither good nor bad.
Please note that the believe in destiny, there are four levels:
1. Faith in God is ajali science before everything was there. Of which one must have faith that his deeds have been known (diilmui) by Allah before he does it.
2. Believing that God has written in Lawh Mahfuz destiny.
3. Masyi'ah faith (God's will) that everything that happens is because of His will.
4. Believing that God has created everything. Allah is the sole Creator and besides Him are human beings as well as deeds.
Various Kinds of Destiny
Destiny that there are 2 kinds:
[1] Common Fate covers everything there. This fate is recorded in the Lawh Mahfuz. And Allah has recorded everything up to fate doomsday. The common fate of all beings. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Verily, Allah is first created Qalam (pen). God said to the Pen, "Write". Then Qalam said, "O Rabbku, what would I write?" God said, "Write destiny everything happens until the Day of Resurrection." (Narrated by Abu Daud. Said shohih by Shaykh Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abi wa Dho'if David).
[2] Destiny which is a breakdown of a common destiny. Destiny is made up of:
(A) Fate 'Umri destiny as stated in the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ud, in which the fetus is already blown spirit in the mother's womb will be set on 4 things: (1) good luck, (2) death, (3) charity, and (4) miserable or happy.
(B) Annual Fate is fate decreed on the night of Qadr Tatyana about the events of the year. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "On the night that explained all matters full of wisdom." (Surah Ad Dukhan [44]: 4). Ibn Abbas said, "On the night of Qadr Tatyana, written on the book Mother of all goodness, badness, good luck and death that occur in a year." (See Ma'alimut Tanzil, Tafsir Al Baghowi)
A Muslim must believe in the common destiny and this detailed. Whoever denies a little of both, then he does not believe in destiny. And means he has to deny one of the pillars of faith that must be believed.
In response to one of Fate
In addressing the destiny of God, there was no denying destiny and some are too excessive in set one.
The first is known as Qodariyyah. And in it there are two more groups. The first group is the most extreme. They deny knowledge of God to deny everything and also what God has written in Lawh Mahfuz. They say that God rules and forbid, but God does not know who is obedient and commit adultery. This case just known, is not preceded by the knowledge of God and his destiny. However, as this group has been destroyed and no longer exists.
The second group is a set of science of God, but the act of negating the inclusion of slaves in God's providence. They assume that the actions of the servant is the creature that stands alone, God did not create it nor want it. This is the madhhab Mu'tazila.
Qodariyyah is the opposite of excessive group in determining the destiny that servant as if forced without having the ability and ikhtiyar (effort) at all. They say that the slave is forced to obey destiny. Therefore, this group is known as Jabariyyah.
Confidence in the two groups is the belief that one as demonstrated in many arguments. Of which is the word of God (which means), "(that is) for any of you who want to take the straight path. And you can not want (the path) except if God wills, the Lord of hosts. "(Surat at Takwir [81]: 28-29). This verse has vehemently denied any opinion of the two groups above. In the verse, "(that is) for those of you who want to take the straight path" is a rebuttal to jabariyyah because in this verse establish the will of Allah (option) to the slave. So people are not forced and their own wills. Then in the next verse, "And you can not want (the path) except if God wills, the Lord of hosts" is a rebuttal to qodariyyah who say that the human will is stand-alone and created by himself without depending on the will of God. This is the wrong word because in the verse, Allah will associate with the servants of his will.
Believing that true belief in Fate
True belief is that all forms of obedience, immorality, infidelity and damage occurs to the ordinance of God, because there is no creator besides Him. All works good servant and bad is including God's creatures. And the servant is not forced in any that he does, even hambalah who choose to do so.
As Safariny said, "The conclusion that the school earlier scholars (Salaf) and the Ahlus Sunnah is essential is believed that God created the ability, the will, and deeds servant. And hambalah that a doer of the deed he did essentially. And God made the servant as the culprit, as his word (which means): "And you can not want (the path) except if God wills" (Surat at Takwir [81]: 29). So in this verse Allah will set a slave and servant of God proclaim that this will not happen except by His will. This is the argument that the firm selected by the Ahlus Sunnah. "
Most people have a misunderstanding in understanding destiny. They think that a person who believes in destiny was just resigned without cause at all. An example is someone who leaves his wife for days to preach out of town. Then he did not leave the slightest treasure for life and his wife. Then he said, "I let go, let God who will give them good luck". Truly this is a misunderstanding of destiny.
Remember that God commands us to believe in his destiny, in addition Allah also commands us to take our cause and prohibits lazing. If we had taken the cause, but we get the opposite result, then we should not despair and sad because this is already a destiny and God's provision. Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Be excited in regard to benefit yourself. And please ask in God and do not be lazy. If you hit something, do not say: 'If I do so, would not this or that', but say: 'Qodarollahu sya'a fa'al wa maa' (It has been destined by God and do what God wills her) because ucapan'seandainya 'will open (the door) devil. "(Narrated by Muslim)
Fruit Faithful To Destiny
Among the fruits of faith in God's providence and provision is careful to be quiet and never worry in this life. Someone who knows that the disaster was God's will, then he is sure that it was going to happen and not somebody else might run away from him.
Of Ubadah bin Shomit, he once told his son, "You do not say you believe in God to believe in destiny, good and bad, and you should know that what will befall you will not escape from you and what will not escape from you befallen you. I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Destiny is so. Anyone who dies in a state of faith like this, then he will go to hell. "(Shohih. See Genealogical Ash shohihah no. 2439)
So if one understands the destiny God correctly, he would address the existing disaster calmly. It's definitely different with people who do not believe in destiny properly, which of course will feel sad and anxious in the face of disaster. Hopefully we are permitted by God to persevere in the face of all the trials that God is destiny.
O Allah, we ask You paradise and the words and deeds that bring us to him. And we seek refuge in you from hell and the words and deeds that we can deliver to him. O God, we beseech thee, that thou make all destiny ordained for us is good. Amin Yes Mujibbad Da'awat.
Primary Reference Sources:
[1] Shohihil I'tiqod ila Al Ershad, Sheikh Al Fauzan Fauzan
[2] Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al Wasithiyyah, Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al Uthaymeen
Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal
Faith in Destiny
Muslims who may be glorified by Allah Ta'ala, one of the pillars of faith that must be believed by all Muslims believe in fate is neither good nor bad.
Please note that the believe in destiny, there are four levels:
1. Faith in God is ajali science before everything was there. Of which one must have faith that his deeds have been known (diilmui) by Allah before he does it.
2. Believing that God has written in Lawh Mahfuz destiny.
3. Masyi'ah faith (God's will) that everything that happens is because of His will.
4. Believing that God has created everything. Allah is the sole Creator and besides Him are human beings as well as deeds.
Various Kinds of Destiny
Destiny that there are 2 kinds:
[1] Common Fate covers everything there. This fate is recorded in the Lawh Mahfuz. And Allah has recorded everything up to fate doomsday. The common fate of all beings. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Verily, Allah is first created Qalam (pen). God said to the Pen, "Write". Then Qalam said, "O Rabbku, what would I write?" God said, "Write destiny everything happens until the Day of Resurrection." (Narrated by Abu Daud. Said shohih by Shaykh Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abi wa Dho'if David).
[2] Destiny which is a breakdown of a common destiny. Destiny is made up of:
(A) Fate 'Umri destiny as stated in the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ud, in which the fetus is already blown spirit in the mother's womb will be set on 4 things: (1) good luck, (2) death, (3) charity, and (4) miserable or happy.
(B) Annual Fate is fate decreed on the night of Qadr Tatyana about the events of the year. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "On the night that explained all matters full of wisdom." (Surah Ad Dukhan [44]: 4). Ibn Abbas said, "On the night of Qadr Tatyana, written on the book Mother of all goodness, badness, good luck and death that occur in a year." (See Ma'alimut Tanzil, Tafsir Al Baghowi)
A Muslim must believe in the common destiny and this detailed. Whoever denies a little of both, then he does not believe in destiny. And means he has to deny one of the pillars of faith that must be believed.
In response to one of Fate
In addressing the destiny of God, there was no denying destiny and some are too excessive in set one.
The first is known as Qodariyyah. And in it there are two more groups. The first group is the most extreme. They deny knowledge of God to deny everything and also what God has written in Lawh Mahfuz. They say that God rules and forbid, but God does not know who is obedient and commit adultery. This case just known, is not preceded by the knowledge of God and his destiny. However, as this group has been destroyed and no longer exists.
The second group is a set of science of God, but the act of negating the inclusion of slaves in God's providence. They assume that the actions of the servant is the creature that stands alone, God did not create it nor want it. This is the madhhab Mu'tazila.
Qodariyyah is the opposite of excessive group in determining the destiny that servant as if forced without having the ability and ikhtiyar (effort) at all. They say that the slave is forced to obey destiny. Therefore, this group is known as Jabariyyah.
Confidence in the two groups is the belief that one as demonstrated in many arguments. Of which is the word of God (which means), "(that is) for any of you who want to take the straight path. And you can not want (the path) except if God wills, the Lord of hosts. "(Surat at Takwir [81]: 28-29). This verse has vehemently denied any opinion of the two groups above. In the verse, "(that is) for those of you who want to take the straight path" is a rebuttal to jabariyyah because in this verse establish the will of Allah (option) to the slave. So people are not forced and their own wills. Then in the next verse, "And you can not want (the path) except if God wills, the Lord of hosts" is a rebuttal to qodariyyah who say that the human will is stand-alone and created by himself without depending on the will of God. This is the wrong word because in the verse, Allah will associate with the servants of his will.
Believing that true belief in Fate
True belief is that all forms of obedience, immorality, infidelity and damage occurs to the ordinance of God, because there is no creator besides Him. All works good servant and bad is including God's creatures. And the servant is not forced in any that he does, even hambalah who choose to do so.
As Safariny said, "The conclusion that the school earlier scholars (Salaf) and the Ahlus Sunnah is essential is believed that God created the ability, the will, and deeds servant. And hambalah that a doer of the deed he did essentially. And God made the servant as the culprit, as his word (which means): "And you can not want (the path) except if God wills" (Surat at Takwir [81]: 29). So in this verse Allah will set a slave and servant of God proclaim that this will not happen except by His will. This is the argument that the firm selected by the Ahlus Sunnah. "
Most people have a misunderstanding in understanding destiny. They think that a person who believes in destiny was just resigned without cause at all. An example is someone who leaves his wife for days to preach out of town. Then he did not leave the slightest treasure for life and his wife. Then he said, "I let go, let God who will give them good luck". Truly this is a misunderstanding of destiny.
Remember that God commands us to believe in his destiny, in addition Allah also commands us to take our cause and prohibits lazing. If we had taken the cause, but we get the opposite result, then we should not despair and sad because this is already a destiny and God's provision. Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Be excited in regard to benefit yourself. And please ask in God and do not be lazy. If you hit something, do not say: 'If I do so, would not this or that', but say: 'Qodarollahu sya'a fa'al wa maa' (It has been destined by God and do what God wills her) because ucapan'seandainya 'will open (the door) devil. "(Narrated by Muslim)
Fruit Faithful To Destiny
Among the fruits of faith in God's providence and provision is careful to be quiet and never worry in this life. Someone who knows that the disaster was God's will, then he is sure that it was going to happen and not somebody else might run away from him.
Of Ubadah bin Shomit, he once told his son, "You do not say you believe in God to believe in destiny, good and bad, and you should know that what will befall you will not escape from you and what will not escape from you befallen you. I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Destiny is so. Anyone who dies in a state of faith like this, then he will go to hell. "(Shohih. See Genealogical Ash shohihah no. 2439)
So if one understands the destiny God correctly, he would address the existing disaster calmly. It's definitely different with people who do not believe in destiny properly, which of course will feel sad and anxious in the face of disaster. Hopefully we are permitted by God to persevere in the face of all the trials that God is destiny.
O Allah, we ask You paradise and the words and deeds that bring us to him. And we seek refuge in you from hell and the words and deeds that we can deliver to him. O God, we beseech thee, that thou make all destiny ordained for us is good. Amin Yes Mujibbad Da'awat.
Primary Reference Sources:
[1] Shohihil I'tiqod ila Al Ershad, Sheikh Al Fauzan Fauzan
[2] Sharh Al-Aqeedah Al Wasithiyyah, Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al Uthaymeen
Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal
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