Realize the motto "Our Role Model Apostle"
To realize this motto, of course, to imitate and emulate the Prophet whole temperament that has reached the peak of perfection and a "torch" of darkness. As the world increasingly fragile, man got a fresh air of magnanimity like him.
Noble temperament owned Rasulllulah saw covers all aspects, whether in relation to the issue of worship, as well as related kezahidan keliahaian toughness politics and principle.
Let lita try menyelemai 'lake' in the hope his majesty can sipped clear water to make up the thirst of the "figure" which we need. Also to atone for the sins of ignorance which has long stuck in the recesses of our mind and body.
Worship of the Prophet
In the matter of worship, Rasullulah tinggkat Saw has reached the highest, among others, as told by the son Syu'bah Mughirah Ra. It was narrated that the Prophet never prayed the night until his feet were swollen from standing just too long. When he was asked by Aisha Ra, his wife, "O, Allah Kakanda not been and will forgive you your sins, why are you so diligent in worship?" Hearing the question, he asked in return, "Is the way I became reluctant to be His servant are grateful? "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
Also narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Alqamah, he said, "I once asked Ummul Mu'mineen 'A'ishah: Is Rasullulah specialize saw a few days to worship as much as possible?" Aisha Ra then said, No, he is constantly practicing. "
So, how close linkage with Allah swt his heart. He was at his side every time. He prayed the night but also set aside part of the day. In his prayer he felt the delicacy of mind and coolness heart. He forbade his companions to follow if they are not up to it. A'ishah relates that sometimes Rasullulah leave a job that is "very pleases" is. This is because he was worried his followers not to follow it and act mejadikan it as something that must be done. He knew all these things will definitely burden the people.
There is one more thing that is astounding ability worship which he so firmly combine with other activities, such as the task of preaching and the call of jihad.
Dala everything he always superior. For example, in holding the reins of government, diplomats chose to consult with the kings of, welcomed the diplomat who came to him, led the troops, in a discussion with an expert scribes and high officials, provides a means of studying the causes of war and a defeat. Similarly, in the fairest hired. He often said, "If I can not do justice, then who else is going to do justice?"
In preaching, he always testified of God Shari'a law with detailed, clear and complete. He also always reject something that has not been sanctioned Allah swt.
Secret key of persetasi worship him is the perseverance to pray tahajjud, dhikr, prayer and other kinds of worship according to the dictates Robbnya.
Regarding the Tahajjud prayer, Allah indeed has commanded the servant:
"O you wrapped in (Muhammad), up (for prayer) at night, except a little (thereof), (ie) Half of or subtract from it a little, or add to it. Quran and read it slowly. Surely we will lose weight kapadamu words. Truly the rising by night is more appropriate (for solemn) and reading at the time was more memorable ". (Surat Al-Muzzammil: 1-6)
"And most of the evening prayer on you as a tanbahan tahajudlah you. Robbmu Hopefully that will raise you to be tested. "(Surat Al-Isra ': 79)
Ketawadhuan Prophet
Here we will raise to the surface of a small piece of the many properties that adorn private ketawadhuan Muhammad glorious.
People who lived during the Prophet said that when he met with his friends, then he who first saluted. When he shook hands, then he does not withdraw his hand before the release of the first .. If he mengahadiri a meeting with his friends, then he sat empty section anywhere. When he went to the market then he himself who brought groceries.
He is always the invitation, although the invitation came from slaves. He received a udzur absent. He patching clothes and sew his own shoes. He tethered his camel and eat together with the maid.
He also has the noble qualities thanks to instruction directly from God Almighty through His Word:
"And lower thy wing to the people who follow you, the people of faith." (Surat ash Syu'ara: 215)
Hardness of the Prophet Saw
Kink in pinsip and firmness in the establishment is one of the traits of the most prominent prophet. Hali is evident on mission persistence convey his message without the slightest flicker by the blows suffered by the sting of fire and red-hot envy. Indeed, it grew stronger faith and spirit. Full of optimism he sought reinforcements to Robbnya while praying: Yes Robbku, to Thee I complain of weakness my strength, and my effort lacked kehinaanku in front of the crowd. You are the Most Merciful. Thou Robb weak ones. You are Robbku. To whom you have given me to the person who would torture me, or to the enemy that you kuasakan him my business? If you are not angry with me, I do not care. But, of course kepamaafanMu me still more extensive. I seek refuge in the face by which all darkness was lit up so that the affairs of the world and the Hereafter to be good. Do not overwrite your anger or hatred myself fall to me. Tells the one place my return, until you pleasure. There is no power and effort except with You. "
He has been hurt Quraysh with all sorts of ways. Even to their hearts and pelted stones meyiraminya premises with soil. Seeing his father treated so cruelly, Fatimah child out of the house and land clearing that struck his head and wept bitterly.
Heard the cry of his beloved daughter, his heart broken. In an atmosphere of sadness that gripped him whispering in the ears of his daughter saying, "Come on son, Fatimah, believe me, God is going to protect your father. By Allah, the Quraysh would not disturb me while Abu Talib was alive. "
Now try to note the firmness his attitude towards his own uncle, Abu Tahlib, when she felt her uncle's will deliver and release pembelaanya and wasted it. Terlontarlah spontaneously immortal words and rises from a pure heart clean. He said, "By Allah, O my uncle, if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, so I left the affairs of the mission, once in a while I will not leave until he or I perish thereby displaying them. "
Seeing that his son was so excited and opinionated sturdy, Abu Talib was moved. Finally he said to his nephew, "Depart, O my nephew. Convey what you like. By Allah, I will not waste yourself. Believe me, they will not bother you until I die berkalang ground. "
Has now equally enthusiastic to know how to block the mushrikeen in proselytizing activities Rasullulah Saw. They tried a variety of ways, such as by persuasion persuade, intimidate, suppress from various corners, berate, spreading gossip and a total boycott of all activities of the Prophet and his followers. But all is not mmebuat him weak and downs.
Some time after he migrated to Madinah, the idolaters followed by a group of armed forces in combat gear. They want to demolish the Prophet and his companions. But it did not produce any results. He stood his treatise fight for Islam.
Finally arrived at the peak of glory. Islamic existence and gained a resounding victory and to establish Daulah Islamiyah. This is all thanks to the persistence, hard work and determination that donated the sacred treatise carrier, the Messenger of Allah.
"O Apostle, tell what is revealed to you from your Lord. And if you do not (what was ordered, it means) you have not conveyed His message ". (Surat Al Maa'idah: 67)
"So be patient as the people who have the courage of the apostles have to be patient and do not request expedited (doom) for them." (Surat Al Ahqaaf: 35)
"Do ye think that ye would enter heaven, but has not come to you (trials) as well as those who passed away before you? They are overwritten by misfortune and misery, and shaken (with a variety of trials) so that the apostle said, and those who believe with him: "When will come the help of Allah?" Remember, God's help is indeed very close. "(Surat al-Baqara: 214 )
His speech fluency Tongue And Ethics
Here the authors will reveal some more examples of the Prophet which if the private exemplary by a Muslim as his trademark, the eloquence and ethical penyampainnya.
The Messenger of Allah when talking, perkataannaya very detailed and explicit. A person who can easily mengitungnya listen when he wants. Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Aisha Ra. He said "How different the Prophet spoken word with you if he's saying things people want to count it so he could do it."
Dirwayatkan also by Abu Daud of Aisha Ra, he said, "Messenger of Allah Greeting so detailed that can be understood by all penedangarnya."
In Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim, Anas narrated, when the Prophet spoke the words was repeated up to three times so that actually understood. The words were so clear, not straight and not berbeli the bush. She was also unhappy in a wide winded conversation.
He was not happy with the tone of voice sounds forced and excessive pressure. Sunan Abu Daud and Thrimdzi of Ibn Umar said that Rasullulah Allah said: "Verily Allah hates those who pretend fluent, while curved-curved bend their tongues like a buffalo tongue-arch."
Prophet was very friendly when met with someone. He was very respectful of the people who sit with him. At Thabrani narrated from Ibn Amrul Ash, he said, "Messenger of Allah directs with his face full of intimacy to the person he was talking to, even if he was only a layman. It's been done to me, to the point that I thought that I was the most precious and most important among those in attendance. So I asked him. "O Messenger of Allah, which one is better between me and Abu Bakr?" Rasullulah replied, "Abu Bakr." Then I asked, "Am I better or Umar? The Messenger of Allah, said: "Umar" Then I asked again: "O Messenger of Allah and who is better me or Uthman? The Prophet replied: "Uthman". When they wanted to ask for the fourth time, he greeted me so silent, so I did not question him anymore.
In addition to hospitality tamahannya he also always appear with a bright face, smiling and full of sympathy in the association. Narrated by Al-Bazzar with a good word from jabir Ra, he said, "When the Prophet was receiving revelation or a command, then I melihaynya like people who are overwritten heavy load. But after that I saw her face beaming smiling hospitality. He never stretched his legs in between his friends. "
When delivering the sermon, he does not beat around the bush or at length sehingg listeners felt no saturated. Narrated by Abu Daud from Jabir Ra. He said, the Prophet did not lengthen the sermon on Friday. Sermon he made only a few words only. "
Mastery of the Prophet in Politics
In poltiknya career, Prophet focuses on three main objects, ie, how to get along with his friends, enemies and diplomatic methods and patterns of their stewardship.
In touch with his friends, he was a very high priority in terms of morality. He treated them with all modesty and wisdom, so that his companions marveled not so sympathetic to him.
Narrated by Muslim that Muawiyah ibn Hakam ever told, "As I was praying behind the Prophet, all of a sudden there was someone who sneezes. So I say yarhamakumullahu. The congregation suddenly slammed his hand on the thigh of each so I keep quiet. After Rasullulah finished his prayer, silent belaiu not yell or insulting, apalgi hit. He just advised me, he said, "In the prayer is not allowed to speak unless hymn, bertakbir and read the Qur'an. "By Allah, I have never seen an educator who was wiser than him"
Kelihainya regarding diplomacy with enemies have often demonstrated, and most was when he menojol middle Hudaybiyah establish peace treaty. He managed to reduce conflicts that had been warmed between the Muslims by the Quraish. From this table, the conquest of Mecca is becoming increasingly easy.
In the field he ekeskutif always get praise from politicians in every period. He is a very clever man, matangh in thinking and well established in management. With the tactics that he was able to confront the obstacles that eventually led to resounding success. With the same tactics he could outline the path to be traversed in order to reach his people glory, majesty and kamuliaan.
Therefore, after he arrived at Medina, which became his first pogram is building a mosque as an important means and doubles. Besides the mosque is also used as the center of ritual activity, shura council, where assessment and cadre, the center of missionary activity, and the place of science court.
In a relatively short time, has been a realization that the people united under the banner of fraternity and solidarity high. The immigrants dipersaudarakan with Ansar. Meanwhile Aus tribe by tribe Khazraj integrated so that they become the servants of God are united and brothers tub building components are mutually reinforcing.
Finally freed from the shackles of domination Medina Jews. While the influence of the polytheists in Mecca became paralyzed and in turn meratalah conception of Islamic law throughout the Arab world in general.
Prophet which may not be successful in politics and his companions sympathy, but it is God who directly gave 'formula' as well as a surefire method.
"And due to the grace of Allah ye lenient with them. Had ye be harder to be rude, they would abstain from all around you. Therefore ma'afkanlah them, ask forgiveness for them, and bermusyawaratlah with them in the affairs "(Surat Ali 'Imran 159)
This is the application and realization of the slogan "Our Role Model Apostle" Actually what has been mentioned above is nothing more than seceduk alone.
Is required of us now is a determination and a passion to imitate the properties of perfection that is in the Prophet, whether in worship, kezahidannya, ketawadhunnya, kebijaksanannya, stance and the other noble qualities.
If we have to apply the meaning and purpose of the above motto, then at that time the world's eyes will open wide and will learn that you are an idealistic and realistic people, open people who are good at bersilat tongue without any practice.
Yours respectfully
Abdullah Nashih Ulwan...
To realize this motto, of course, to imitate and emulate the Prophet whole temperament that has reached the peak of perfection and a "torch" of darkness. As the world increasingly fragile, man got a fresh air of magnanimity like him.
Noble temperament owned Rasulllulah saw covers all aspects, whether in relation to the issue of worship, as well as related kezahidan keliahaian toughness politics and principle.
Let lita try menyelemai 'lake' in the hope his majesty can sipped clear water to make up the thirst of the "figure" which we need. Also to atone for the sins of ignorance which has long stuck in the recesses of our mind and body.
Worship of the Prophet
In the matter of worship, Rasullulah tinggkat Saw has reached the highest, among others, as told by the son Syu'bah Mughirah Ra. It was narrated that the Prophet never prayed the night until his feet were swollen from standing just too long. When he was asked by Aisha Ra, his wife, "O, Allah Kakanda not been and will forgive you your sins, why are you so diligent in worship?" Hearing the question, he asked in return, "Is the way I became reluctant to be His servant are grateful? "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
Also narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Alqamah, he said, "I once asked Ummul Mu'mineen 'A'ishah: Is Rasullulah specialize saw a few days to worship as much as possible?" Aisha Ra then said, No, he is constantly practicing. "
So, how close linkage with Allah swt his heart. He was at his side every time. He prayed the night but also set aside part of the day. In his prayer he felt the delicacy of mind and coolness heart. He forbade his companions to follow if they are not up to it. A'ishah relates that sometimes Rasullulah leave a job that is "very pleases" is. This is because he was worried his followers not to follow it and act mejadikan it as something that must be done. He knew all these things will definitely burden the people.
There is one more thing that is astounding ability worship which he so firmly combine with other activities, such as the task of preaching and the call of jihad.
Dala everything he always superior. For example, in holding the reins of government, diplomats chose to consult with the kings of, welcomed the diplomat who came to him, led the troops, in a discussion with an expert scribes and high officials, provides a means of studying the causes of war and a defeat. Similarly, in the fairest hired. He often said, "If I can not do justice, then who else is going to do justice?"
In preaching, he always testified of God Shari'a law with detailed, clear and complete. He also always reject something that has not been sanctioned Allah swt.
Secret key of persetasi worship him is the perseverance to pray tahajjud, dhikr, prayer and other kinds of worship according to the dictates Robbnya.
Regarding the Tahajjud prayer, Allah indeed has commanded the servant:
"O you wrapped in (Muhammad), up (for prayer) at night, except a little (thereof), (ie) Half of or subtract from it a little, or add to it. Quran and read it slowly. Surely we will lose weight kapadamu words. Truly the rising by night is more appropriate (for solemn) and reading at the time was more memorable ". (Surat Al-Muzzammil: 1-6)
"And most of the evening prayer on you as a tanbahan tahajudlah you. Robbmu Hopefully that will raise you to be tested. "(Surat Al-Isra ': 79)
Ketawadhuan Prophet
Here we will raise to the surface of a small piece of the many properties that adorn private ketawadhuan Muhammad glorious.
People who lived during the Prophet said that when he met with his friends, then he who first saluted. When he shook hands, then he does not withdraw his hand before the release of the first .. If he mengahadiri a meeting with his friends, then he sat empty section anywhere. When he went to the market then he himself who brought groceries.
He is always the invitation, although the invitation came from slaves. He received a udzur absent. He patching clothes and sew his own shoes. He tethered his camel and eat together with the maid.
He also has the noble qualities thanks to instruction directly from God Almighty through His Word:
"And lower thy wing to the people who follow you, the people of faith." (Surat ash Syu'ara: 215)
Hardness of the Prophet Saw
Kink in pinsip and firmness in the establishment is one of the traits of the most prominent prophet. Hali is evident on mission persistence convey his message without the slightest flicker by the blows suffered by the sting of fire and red-hot envy. Indeed, it grew stronger faith and spirit. Full of optimism he sought reinforcements to Robbnya while praying: Yes Robbku, to Thee I complain of weakness my strength, and my effort lacked kehinaanku in front of the crowd. You are the Most Merciful. Thou Robb weak ones. You are Robbku. To whom you have given me to the person who would torture me, or to the enemy that you kuasakan him my business? If you are not angry with me, I do not care. But, of course kepamaafanMu me still more extensive. I seek refuge in the face by which all darkness was lit up so that the affairs of the world and the Hereafter to be good. Do not overwrite your anger or hatred myself fall to me. Tells the one place my return, until you pleasure. There is no power and effort except with You. "
He has been hurt Quraysh with all sorts of ways. Even to their hearts and pelted stones meyiraminya premises with soil. Seeing his father treated so cruelly, Fatimah child out of the house and land clearing that struck his head and wept bitterly.
Heard the cry of his beloved daughter, his heart broken. In an atmosphere of sadness that gripped him whispering in the ears of his daughter saying, "Come on son, Fatimah, believe me, God is going to protect your father. By Allah, the Quraysh would not disturb me while Abu Talib was alive. "
Now try to note the firmness his attitude towards his own uncle, Abu Tahlib, when she felt her uncle's will deliver and release pembelaanya and wasted it. Terlontarlah spontaneously immortal words and rises from a pure heart clean. He said, "By Allah, O my uncle, if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, so I left the affairs of the mission, once in a while I will not leave until he or I perish thereby displaying them. "
Seeing that his son was so excited and opinionated sturdy, Abu Talib was moved. Finally he said to his nephew, "Depart, O my nephew. Convey what you like. By Allah, I will not waste yourself. Believe me, they will not bother you until I die berkalang ground. "
Has now equally enthusiastic to know how to block the mushrikeen in proselytizing activities Rasullulah Saw. They tried a variety of ways, such as by persuasion persuade, intimidate, suppress from various corners, berate, spreading gossip and a total boycott of all activities of the Prophet and his followers. But all is not mmebuat him weak and downs.
Some time after he migrated to Madinah, the idolaters followed by a group of armed forces in combat gear. They want to demolish the Prophet and his companions. But it did not produce any results. He stood his treatise fight for Islam.
Finally arrived at the peak of glory. Islamic existence and gained a resounding victory and to establish Daulah Islamiyah. This is all thanks to the persistence, hard work and determination that donated the sacred treatise carrier, the Messenger of Allah.
"O Apostle, tell what is revealed to you from your Lord. And if you do not (what was ordered, it means) you have not conveyed His message ". (Surat Al Maa'idah: 67)
"So be patient as the people who have the courage of the apostles have to be patient and do not request expedited (doom) for them." (Surat Al Ahqaaf: 35)
"Do ye think that ye would enter heaven, but has not come to you (trials) as well as those who passed away before you? They are overwritten by misfortune and misery, and shaken (with a variety of trials) so that the apostle said, and those who believe with him: "When will come the help of Allah?" Remember, God's help is indeed very close. "(Surat al-Baqara: 214 )
His speech fluency Tongue And Ethics
Here the authors will reveal some more examples of the Prophet which if the private exemplary by a Muslim as his trademark, the eloquence and ethical penyampainnya.
The Messenger of Allah when talking, perkataannaya very detailed and explicit. A person who can easily mengitungnya listen when he wants. Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Aisha Ra. He said "How different the Prophet spoken word with you if he's saying things people want to count it so he could do it."
Dirwayatkan also by Abu Daud of Aisha Ra, he said, "Messenger of Allah Greeting so detailed that can be understood by all penedangarnya."
In Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim, Anas narrated, when the Prophet spoke the words was repeated up to three times so that actually understood. The words were so clear, not straight and not berbeli the bush. She was also unhappy in a wide winded conversation.
He was not happy with the tone of voice sounds forced and excessive pressure. Sunan Abu Daud and Thrimdzi of Ibn Umar said that Rasullulah Allah said: "Verily Allah hates those who pretend fluent, while curved-curved bend their tongues like a buffalo tongue-arch."
Prophet was very friendly when met with someone. He was very respectful of the people who sit with him. At Thabrani narrated from Ibn Amrul Ash, he said, "Messenger of Allah directs with his face full of intimacy to the person he was talking to, even if he was only a layman. It's been done to me, to the point that I thought that I was the most precious and most important among those in attendance. So I asked him. "O Messenger of Allah, which one is better between me and Abu Bakr?" Rasullulah replied, "Abu Bakr." Then I asked, "Am I better or Umar? The Messenger of Allah, said: "Umar" Then I asked again: "O Messenger of Allah and who is better me or Uthman? The Prophet replied: "Uthman". When they wanted to ask for the fourth time, he greeted me so silent, so I did not question him anymore.
In addition to hospitality tamahannya he also always appear with a bright face, smiling and full of sympathy in the association. Narrated by Al-Bazzar with a good word from jabir Ra, he said, "When the Prophet was receiving revelation or a command, then I melihaynya like people who are overwritten heavy load. But after that I saw her face beaming smiling hospitality. He never stretched his legs in between his friends. "
When delivering the sermon, he does not beat around the bush or at length sehingg listeners felt no saturated. Narrated by Abu Daud from Jabir Ra. He said, the Prophet did not lengthen the sermon on Friday. Sermon he made only a few words only. "
Mastery of the Prophet in Politics
In poltiknya career, Prophet focuses on three main objects, ie, how to get along with his friends, enemies and diplomatic methods and patterns of their stewardship.
In touch with his friends, he was a very high priority in terms of morality. He treated them with all modesty and wisdom, so that his companions marveled not so sympathetic to him.
Narrated by Muslim that Muawiyah ibn Hakam ever told, "As I was praying behind the Prophet, all of a sudden there was someone who sneezes. So I say yarhamakumullahu. The congregation suddenly slammed his hand on the thigh of each so I keep quiet. After Rasullulah finished his prayer, silent belaiu not yell or insulting, apalgi hit. He just advised me, he said, "In the prayer is not allowed to speak unless hymn, bertakbir and read the Qur'an. "By Allah, I have never seen an educator who was wiser than him"
Kelihainya regarding diplomacy with enemies have often demonstrated, and most was when he menojol middle Hudaybiyah establish peace treaty. He managed to reduce conflicts that had been warmed between the Muslims by the Quraish. From this table, the conquest of Mecca is becoming increasingly easy.
In the field he ekeskutif always get praise from politicians in every period. He is a very clever man, matangh in thinking and well established in management. With the tactics that he was able to confront the obstacles that eventually led to resounding success. With the same tactics he could outline the path to be traversed in order to reach his people glory, majesty and kamuliaan.
Therefore, after he arrived at Medina, which became his first pogram is building a mosque as an important means and doubles. Besides the mosque is also used as the center of ritual activity, shura council, where assessment and cadre, the center of missionary activity, and the place of science court.
In a relatively short time, has been a realization that the people united under the banner of fraternity and solidarity high. The immigrants dipersaudarakan with Ansar. Meanwhile Aus tribe by tribe Khazraj integrated so that they become the servants of God are united and brothers tub building components are mutually reinforcing.
Finally freed from the shackles of domination Medina Jews. While the influence of the polytheists in Mecca became paralyzed and in turn meratalah conception of Islamic law throughout the Arab world in general.
Prophet which may not be successful in politics and his companions sympathy, but it is God who directly gave 'formula' as well as a surefire method.
"And due to the grace of Allah ye lenient with them. Had ye be harder to be rude, they would abstain from all around you. Therefore ma'afkanlah them, ask forgiveness for them, and bermusyawaratlah with them in the affairs "(Surat Ali 'Imran 159)
This is the application and realization of the slogan "Our Role Model Apostle" Actually what has been mentioned above is nothing more than seceduk alone.
Is required of us now is a determination and a passion to imitate the properties of perfection that is in the Prophet, whether in worship, kezahidannya, ketawadhunnya, kebijaksanannya, stance and the other noble qualities.
If we have to apply the meaning and purpose of the above motto, then at that time the world's eyes will open wide and will learn that you are an idealistic and realistic people, open people who are good at bersilat tongue without any practice.
Yours respectfully
Abdullah Nashih Ulwan...
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