Treatment of Magic
Assalaamu 'alaikum wr.wb.
All I know is that magic can be treated with rukyah. But the magic is made up of many different types there are even quite complex and severe,
I once read in a book that there are certain types that can be helped with water, betel leaf, leaf bidara who has recited verses of Quran. Or looking for a place kept and destroyed. Where is the person who can find an expert to handle this? I believe that the pious man, whose faith was strong and experienced that can help with both these problems. Certain people who are very close to God given outstanding advantages. But there are faintly visible kadang2. How not to be fooled / not thrown in shirk? How to distinguish magic with kharamah and istidraj?
Waalaikumussalam Wr Wb
Jumhur Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah believes that there are two kinds of magic:
1. He is a trick, a trick, scare, magic and fantasy are real or not real but it is very subtle source. Had he revealed he would surely know that it is a normal behavior that it is possible for people who apparently know would do such deeds that. In general, the act was standing on knowledge of the specific material, engineering or similar delusion. And it does not hurt to enter it into the term magic act, as the word of Allah swt:
فلما ألقوا سحروا أعين الناس واسترهبوهم وجاءوا بسحر عظيم
Meaning: "So when they threw, they conjure up the eyes and make people afraid of the crowd, and they bring great magic (mena'jubkan)." (Surat al-A'raf: 116)
2. He is real, and has no effect on the body, as the opinion of the Hanafi scholars like Ibn Hammam opinion, Shafi'i and Hanbali scholars. People who say that magic effect, inflict pain, harm or the like evidence the word of Allah swt:
قل أعوذ برب الفلق) 1 (
من شر ما خلق) 2 (
ومن شر غاسق إذا وقب) 3 (
ومن شر النفاثات في العقد) 4 (
ومن شر حاسد إذا حسد) 5 (
It means: "Say:" I seek refuge in Lord of the dawn. From the evil of His creatures. And from the evil of the night when it was pitch black. And from the evil witch women who blow on knots. And from the evil of envious when he was spiteful. "(Surat al-Falaq: 1-5) knots is blowing magic many of the women. And when ordered to belindung of evil witches that it can be known that it has a magic effect and harm.
Word of Allah swt:
فيتعلمون منهما ما يفرقون به بين المرء وزوجه وما هم بضآرين به من أحد إلا بإذن الله
Meaning: "So they learn of the angels what the magic was, they could divorce between a (husband) with his wife and they (sorcerers) do not provide the magic to harm anyone, except with the permission of Allah." (Surah Al Baqoroh: 102)
There is a history that the Prophet was bewitched so that he never imagined doing something that he really did not do it. ". (Al Mausu'ah al fiqhiyah juz II case 8566-8569)
In the treatment of this magic then most scholars do not allow the use of magic. But let its treatment by way concerned with, reading the Qur'an, dhikr-remembrance of the Holy Prophet in meruqyahnya, pray and ask for healing from God Almighty.
In the use of these ruqyah any way, concerned with a need to be wary and please be careful not to get stuck into polytheism matters. For that there are few benchmarks against Syar'iyah ruqyah (prescribed) are:
1. Ruqyah is not ruqyah (incantation) containing idolatry, like a man concerned with to ask for help or assistance to creatures in those cases that do otherwise nobody except Allah alone, praying to a deity to meyingkap something which no one knows except God alone, based on his word:
Meaning: "And those whom you call upon (worship) besides Allah is not having anything though as thin epidermis. If you call them, they are not heard seruanmu, and when they hear, they can not approve your request. and the Day of Resurrection they will deny kemusyirikanmu and no one can give you the information as provided by the All-Knowing .. "(Surah Fatir: 13-14)
About this benchmark are hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Auf bin Malik al Asyja'i said, "We must do ruqyah upon ignorance. Then we asked, 'O Messenger of Allah what do you think?' He Allah said, 'Hold up ruqyahmu me. Not why ruqyah in which there is no shirk. "
2. Ruqyah ruqyah is not magic, because Allah forbids magic, and he included in disbelief as Allah says:
واتبعوا ما تتلوا الشياطين على ملك سليمان وما كفر سليمان ولكن الشياطين كفروا يعلمون الناس السحر وما أنزل على الملكين ببابل هاروت وماروت وما يعلمان من أحد حتى يقولا إنما نحن فتنة فلا تكفر
Meaning: "And they follow what is read by the devil-syaita in the kingdom of Solomon (Sulaiman and they said that it was working on magic), but Solomon did not disbelieve (they do not do magic), Only the devil-devil who disbelieve (doing magic). they teach magic to humans and what was revealed to the two angels at Babylon country that Harut and Marut, were they not teach (something) to one before saying: 'We Only trials (for you), so do not disbelieve ". (Surat al Baqoroh: 102)
3. Ruqyah was not that of a seer or shaman, although he is not a magician. That's because the prohibition of the Messenger of Allah to justify his words came moreover, including the requested ruqyah (incantation) from him. Word of the Prophet peace be upon him, "Whoever comes to a soothsayer or shaman then justify his words then that person really has Kufr against what was revealed to Muhammad." (Narrated by Ahmad, Hakim and Bayhaqi)
4. Let the ruqyah using words that could be understood. Because the use of words or wording-wording that can not be understood is not safe from the polytheism therein. And each of which allows for kemuyrikan it should not be used.
Ibn Hajar said that ruqyah is allowed if it contains three requirements: using the word of God, the names and attributes of God and the Arabic language or language that can be understood and believed that ruqyah itself can not influence but God who gave it effect.
5. Let the ruqyah not use patterns or ways that are forbidden, like ruqyah which meant in the grave, the bathroom, using the letters of the alphabet, by looking at stars, lubricate with unclean-unclean or reveal nakedness.
6. Ruqyah not use phrases that are forbidden, such as insulting, mocking, cursed because God does not make the drug with something that is forbidden.
7. A person who is concerned with and that diruqyah ruqyah should not assume that it alone provides healing or eliminate harm. Ibn Qoyyim say prayers, ta'awwudz like a weapon. Weapons that can cripple not only of sharpness alone. When there is a sharp weapon without disgrace and holding hands was so strong and there is no barrier then the sword will succeed in killing the enemy. And when one of the three that does not exist then the effect will also be reduced. Similarly with ruqyah so it must ruqyah allowed or disunnahkan and readers were then must be sincere and collected in her requirements (receipt of) prayer and the will and desire of God for healing. (Summarized from the book: ar Ruqo 'ala Dhoui Aqidah Ahlis Sunnah wal Jama'ah it 59-73)
The difference between magic, karomah and istidroj. Magic as described at the beginning that it is an event that goes beyond the limits of human ability to have recourse to the devil, such as ropes and sticks so change snake, as the magicians of Pharaoh.
Karomah are events beyond human habits that Allah granted to the trustees of His faithful and obedient to Him. The trustees are the people who love God, His Messenger, His istiqomah with shari'ah. Karomah this could happen at any time and not necessarily at other times. Dipredikisi or she can not learn.
While istidroj is extraordinary events conducted by a pagan or fasiq. Istidroj this is the way to a pagan magic or fasiq.
While the difference between karomah with magic is that a trustee is given a karomah him close to God, faith, fear, His Shari'a istiqomah above, perform a variety of obedience and avoid misguidance unlike a magician, he is a fasiq, dirty-minded, commit major sins.
Karomah could not be studied because it is a gift from God because of the virtue of those who get it while magic can be learned with the help of the devil.
As for using lote leaves are mashed and then mixed with water and drunk and then the rest is used for a shower then it is allowed. Ibn Kathir mentions in tasirnya that Al Qurtubi narrates from Wahab that he said, "Take seven lote leaves then mashed between two pieces of stone and mix in water and drunk kamudian recited seats to people affected by magic three times last gulps bathe him with remaining water then he would remove his magic. Especially for husbands who blocked with his wife "
Ibn Kathir says that the most beneficial in eliminating the influence of magic is to use what Allah has revealed to His apostles to eliminate it is to read al muawwidzatain (al Falaq and an Naas) and section chair for the verses it can cast out demons. (Tafsirul Quranil juz Azhim: I respect 372)
And Allaah knows best
Assalaamu 'alaikum wr.wb.
All I know is that magic can be treated with rukyah. But the magic is made up of many different types there are even quite complex and severe,
I once read in a book that there are certain types that can be helped with water, betel leaf, leaf bidara who has recited verses of Quran. Or looking for a place kept and destroyed. Where is the person who can find an expert to handle this? I believe that the pious man, whose faith was strong and experienced that can help with both these problems. Certain people who are very close to God given outstanding advantages. But there are faintly visible kadang2. How not to be fooled / not thrown in shirk? How to distinguish magic with kharamah and istidraj?
Waalaikumussalam Wr Wb
Jumhur Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah believes that there are two kinds of magic:
1. He is a trick, a trick, scare, magic and fantasy are real or not real but it is very subtle source. Had he revealed he would surely know that it is a normal behavior that it is possible for people who apparently know would do such deeds that. In general, the act was standing on knowledge of the specific material, engineering or similar delusion. And it does not hurt to enter it into the term magic act, as the word of Allah swt:
فلما ألقوا سحروا أعين الناس واسترهبوهم وجاءوا بسحر عظيم
Meaning: "So when they threw, they conjure up the eyes and make people afraid of the crowd, and they bring great magic (mena'jubkan)." (Surat al-A'raf: 116)
2. He is real, and has no effect on the body, as the opinion of the Hanafi scholars like Ibn Hammam opinion, Shafi'i and Hanbali scholars. People who say that magic effect, inflict pain, harm or the like evidence the word of Allah swt:
قل أعوذ برب الفلق) 1 (
من شر ما خلق) 2 (
ومن شر غاسق إذا وقب) 3 (
ومن شر النفاثات في العقد) 4 (
ومن شر حاسد إذا حسد) 5 (
It means: "Say:" I seek refuge in Lord of the dawn. From the evil of His creatures. And from the evil of the night when it was pitch black. And from the evil witch women who blow on knots. And from the evil of envious when he was spiteful. "(Surat al-Falaq: 1-5) knots is blowing magic many of the women. And when ordered to belindung of evil witches that it can be known that it has a magic effect and harm.
Word of Allah swt:
فيتعلمون منهما ما يفرقون به بين المرء وزوجه وما هم بضآرين به من أحد إلا بإذن الله
Meaning: "So they learn of the angels what the magic was, they could divorce between a (husband) with his wife and they (sorcerers) do not provide the magic to harm anyone, except with the permission of Allah." (Surah Al Baqoroh: 102)
There is a history that the Prophet was bewitched so that he never imagined doing something that he really did not do it. ". (Al Mausu'ah al fiqhiyah juz II case 8566-8569)
In the treatment of this magic then most scholars do not allow the use of magic. But let its treatment by way concerned with, reading the Qur'an, dhikr-remembrance of the Holy Prophet in meruqyahnya, pray and ask for healing from God Almighty.
In the use of these ruqyah any way, concerned with a need to be wary and please be careful not to get stuck into polytheism matters. For that there are few benchmarks against Syar'iyah ruqyah (prescribed) are:
1. Ruqyah is not ruqyah (incantation) containing idolatry, like a man concerned with to ask for help or assistance to creatures in those cases that do otherwise nobody except Allah alone, praying to a deity to meyingkap something which no one knows except God alone, based on his word:
Meaning: "And those whom you call upon (worship) besides Allah is not having anything though as thin epidermis. If you call them, they are not heard seruanmu, and when they hear, they can not approve your request. and the Day of Resurrection they will deny kemusyirikanmu and no one can give you the information as provided by the All-Knowing .. "(Surah Fatir: 13-14)
About this benchmark are hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Auf bin Malik al Asyja'i said, "We must do ruqyah upon ignorance. Then we asked, 'O Messenger of Allah what do you think?' He Allah said, 'Hold up ruqyahmu me. Not why ruqyah in which there is no shirk. "
2. Ruqyah ruqyah is not magic, because Allah forbids magic, and he included in disbelief as Allah says:
واتبعوا ما تتلوا الشياطين على ملك سليمان وما كفر سليمان ولكن الشياطين كفروا يعلمون الناس السحر وما أنزل على الملكين ببابل هاروت وماروت وما يعلمان من أحد حتى يقولا إنما نحن فتنة فلا تكفر
Meaning: "And they follow what is read by the devil-syaita in the kingdom of Solomon (Sulaiman and they said that it was working on magic), but Solomon did not disbelieve (they do not do magic), Only the devil-devil who disbelieve (doing magic). they teach magic to humans and what was revealed to the two angels at Babylon country that Harut and Marut, were they not teach (something) to one before saying: 'We Only trials (for you), so do not disbelieve ". (Surat al Baqoroh: 102)
3. Ruqyah was not that of a seer or shaman, although he is not a magician. That's because the prohibition of the Messenger of Allah to justify his words came moreover, including the requested ruqyah (incantation) from him. Word of the Prophet peace be upon him, "Whoever comes to a soothsayer or shaman then justify his words then that person really has Kufr against what was revealed to Muhammad." (Narrated by Ahmad, Hakim and Bayhaqi)
4. Let the ruqyah using words that could be understood. Because the use of words or wording-wording that can not be understood is not safe from the polytheism therein. And each of which allows for kemuyrikan it should not be used.
Ibn Hajar said that ruqyah is allowed if it contains three requirements: using the word of God, the names and attributes of God and the Arabic language or language that can be understood and believed that ruqyah itself can not influence but God who gave it effect.
5. Let the ruqyah not use patterns or ways that are forbidden, like ruqyah which meant in the grave, the bathroom, using the letters of the alphabet, by looking at stars, lubricate with unclean-unclean or reveal nakedness.
6. Ruqyah not use phrases that are forbidden, such as insulting, mocking, cursed because God does not make the drug with something that is forbidden.
7. A person who is concerned with and that diruqyah ruqyah should not assume that it alone provides healing or eliminate harm. Ibn Qoyyim say prayers, ta'awwudz like a weapon. Weapons that can cripple not only of sharpness alone. When there is a sharp weapon without disgrace and holding hands was so strong and there is no barrier then the sword will succeed in killing the enemy. And when one of the three that does not exist then the effect will also be reduced. Similarly with ruqyah so it must ruqyah allowed or disunnahkan and readers were then must be sincere and collected in her requirements (receipt of) prayer and the will and desire of God for healing. (Summarized from the book: ar Ruqo 'ala Dhoui Aqidah Ahlis Sunnah wal Jama'ah it 59-73)
The difference between magic, karomah and istidroj. Magic as described at the beginning that it is an event that goes beyond the limits of human ability to have recourse to the devil, such as ropes and sticks so change snake, as the magicians of Pharaoh.
Karomah are events beyond human habits that Allah granted to the trustees of His faithful and obedient to Him. The trustees are the people who love God, His Messenger, His istiqomah with shari'ah. Karomah this could happen at any time and not necessarily at other times. Dipredikisi or she can not learn.
While istidroj is extraordinary events conducted by a pagan or fasiq. Istidroj this is the way to a pagan magic or fasiq.
While the difference between karomah with magic is that a trustee is given a karomah him close to God, faith, fear, His Shari'a istiqomah above, perform a variety of obedience and avoid misguidance unlike a magician, he is a fasiq, dirty-minded, commit major sins.
Karomah could not be studied because it is a gift from God because of the virtue of those who get it while magic can be learned with the help of the devil.
As for using lote leaves are mashed and then mixed with water and drunk and then the rest is used for a shower then it is allowed. Ibn Kathir mentions in tasirnya that Al Qurtubi narrates from Wahab that he said, "Take seven lote leaves then mashed between two pieces of stone and mix in water and drunk kamudian recited seats to people affected by magic three times last gulps bathe him with remaining water then he would remove his magic. Especially for husbands who blocked with his wife "
Ibn Kathir says that the most beneficial in eliminating the influence of magic is to use what Allah has revealed to His apostles to eliminate it is to read al muawwidzatain (al Falaq and an Naas) and section chair for the verses it can cast out demons. (Tafsirul Quranil juz Azhim: I respect 372)
And Allaah knows best
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