Monday, 27 May 2013

Dissecting Judaism and Christianity


The teaching is called "Judaism" as-is to the nation's and specifically for the Jews or the Children of Israel, which is derived from the teachings of the religion revealed by God to the Israelites through Moses His messengers as Holy book called Thaurat (old testament) that the original can not be found anymore.

The religion of the Jews derived from Abraham, his descendants through Isaac as Religious Jews believed derived from the lineage of Abraham, then proceed through the descendants of his son Isaac as

According to this line origin of the Book of the Jews are descendants of one branch of the Semitic race of ancient Hebrew (Genesis 10:1, 21-32; 1) (Chronicles 1:17-28, 34; 2:1,2). Nearly 4000 years ago, their ancestors Abraham emigrated from the city of Ur of the Chaldeans were very prosperous in Sumeria to the land of Canaan. Her Jewish lineage begins with his son Isaac and grandson Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel (Genesis 32:27-29).

Israel had 12 sons, who became the founders of 12 tribes. One of them was Judah's name is derived ultimately from the word "Jew" 2 kings 16:6, JP.

Among these lines, for the Jews of Moses as got a very special place though Isa also sent to the nation of Israel. Moses is considered fulfill an important role as an intermediary covenant that God gave the Torah to Israel, as well as a prophet, judge, leader and historian (Exodus 2:1-3:22).

This religion believes in the absolute oneness of God (monotheism) and consider God to intervene in human history, especially with regard to the Jews. Jewish worship involves several annual celebrations and customs. Although there is no creed or dogma accepted by all the Jews of the oneness of God is expressed in the Shema, the prayer is based on the book of Deuteronomy 6:4, is the most important part of synagogue worship:

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One".

At first Moses a U.S. teach his people about there and esanya God. But this pure doctrine eventually changed the nature of "exclusive nasionalistic" adherents. Such changes can be seen from the principal source of their creed "Schema Yisrael, adonai adonai alaheynu achud" Deuteronomy: [6] [4] that in the implementation of the civic nationalism above all so that the unity of God himself became blurred.

Judaism does not mention the existence of the Day of Judgment, hereafter, torment in the Hereafter and retaliation in the form of reward. They do not talk about personal safety adherents of their teachings. They have always been indoctrinated to the eternal glory of the nations promised dipalestina God for the Jewish minority, the only people who are entitled to inherit the earth as God's chosen people.

Up to now we can see why Israel is so insistent control terrorize Palestinians with all the people who are not Jewish in order to flee from the land of Palestine.

Their worship is done mainly on Saturdays starting dawn to sunset. All handwork such as turning on the lights, put out the fire and others forbidden on that day. Any violation of the above provisions are given a serious warning. They encouraged the congregation and at least 10 people and conducted three times a day. Before the prayers they also berhadas and perform ablution. In the prayers they were required to wear a head covering.

Fasting they do on certain days, such as "Yom Kippur" for 24 hours, the 10th month of Tishri and every Monday and Thursday. In the book of Leviticus Levites Thaurat [10]: [9], [10]: [11] intoxicants forbidden for any followers of the teachings of Judaism. The ban was never neglected, even liquor is a must in religious ceremonies and they drink it in the name of God.

Every Jewish person has no obligation to convey their teachings to people who are not of Jewish descent, so that their teachings are "non-missionary". The Jews did not recognize Jesus a U.S. They oppose the divinity of Jesus or Jesus once taught by Christianity. Also do not know the official religion (church hierarchy).

Underlying the Jewish nation on the basis of their religious doctrine Ten commandments of God are:

Thou shalt have no God besides Me.
Do not make yourself an idol, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or the earth ...... below, or in the water under the earth. Do not bow down to him or worship him ... (at the beginning of this era, around 1513 BC, unique in its refusal to recognize commands pagan).
Thou shalt not swear falsely by the Lord your God ....
Remember the Sabbath day and keep sacred. ... The Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.
Honor your father and your mother ...
Thou shalt not kill.
Do not commit adultery.
Do not steal.
Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor's house ... wife ... servant boy or girl ... ox or donkey, or whatever belongs to your neighbor (output 20:3-17).


Christianity has the longest history of turmoil in the world, although it is recognized that teaching was based on Jesus (Prophet Isa) but tracing the history suggests that the role of Jesus (Prophet Isa) in Christian teaching today has lost its existence, because most of the content of the Gospels is writing a Jews are Raul / Paul who later called Paul.

The term Christian is not actually derived from the name that was brought by Prophet Isa (Jesus) Christian term appears and is closely connected with the crucifixion (Cross-cross) of this term then the term of Christ (one who was crucified) and his followers were known as Christians. while the Christian designation for adherents sourced from historical journey in the land of Jesus Nazareth Da'wah (Nasharo). Some say was the birthplace of Jesus of Nazareth. But some Christians deny it, they say Jesus was born in Bethlehem. It is linked with the issue of prophecy which will be discussed later.

Jesus and Paul

The majority of scholars have focused attention on the writings of Paul in the New Testament, which was started by FC Baur of Tübingen. They say that in the New Testament there are two streams which contradict each other, ie the teachings of Jesus with the teachings of Paul. For them, the teachings of Jesus have been changed by Paul such a way that essentially Pauluslah who was the founder of Christianity embraced by many people today.

When Jesus taught that man can attain the kingdom of heaven to repent and do good, then Paul says that Jesus atoned for the sins of mankind has. By realizing the sin he has done and dive into human evil. Paul put the poles wander Christianity with the doctrine of Jesus as the redeemer of sin, which has freed man since the fall of Adam.

Doctrine of atonement by the blood of Christ for humanity, a sin according to the Church's teaching taken as a heritage from generation to generation since the fall of Adam, which is part of the Trinity scheme, then opposed also by the Christians themselves. In the fifth century, Pelagius insisted in Rome, that sin is an act, not a state of every human being is responsible for his own sin. With perfect confidence gospel Paul taught about Jesus that are not taught by Jesus in the synoptic gospels.

When Jesus said clearly to the twelve disciples: "Do not you stray to the streets of other nations or entered into the city of the Samaritans, but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matthew 10:5-6) and said "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel "(Matthew, 15:24).

Paul then against it, because of its weakness (peace be upon him) faced the Jewish people, and then he wanders into the land-the land of the infidel. (Acts 22:18-21). Jesus from the beginning to the end of his life to act in accordance with the law, which tells them to obey Moses (Mark 1:44), and who said:

"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill "(Matthew, 5:17). Paul strongly oppose: "For no flesh be justified in his sight by observing the law, since through the law comes the knowledge of sin" (Romans, 3:20). "Because you will not have dominion over sin, because you are not under law but under grace" (Romans, 6:14). "Why should there be righteousness by the law, then it is futile death of Christ" (Galatians 2:26).

The second contradiction gospel Wrede said: "So there exists a gap that is connected between Jesus and Paul. Paul is the second founder of Christianity. The two founders no doubt that the conflict with the founding of the first in its entirety and the strongest - but not better ".

Theologians asked: if used by the right to modify or remove Paul law, while he is not the Christ or Messiah, not the prophet, even not a disciple of Jesus. what power he used to say: "If ye yourselves circumcised, Christ will be of no benefit to you" (Galatians 5:2), while Jesus (Luke, 2:21) and throughout his circumcision.


By doubting the authenticity of the Gospel, the intelligentsia argues, that the dogma of the Trinity and schemes, such as the blood atonement of Jesus (atonement) which can not be accepted by the mind, not the teachings of Jesus. Educated people found the teachings of God the Father had entered into the Christian doctrine of understand Greek. Greek myth about Zeus-term Pater or Jupiter as God the Father.

Similarly, of the incarnation of God into the human body which is the Greek ethos, has also entered into Ajara Christianity. In Christian teaching, though the mother of Jesus called Mary married Joseph situkang wood, but before Mary married to Joseph, that since they got engaged, she was pregnant and gave birth to Jesus. And Jesus is the Son of God. According to scholars, the story is the same as the story of Hercules as a child of God the Father called Zeus-Pater.

Hercules mother, Alkmene, had conceived and gave birth to the child (with God the Father) named Hercules. So both, Jesus and Hercules, thousands of people but fathered by God the Father. Both are children of God, they are God.

The second story is strangely coincided with the Hindu tales or stories. Krishna, also born to humans, namely Devanaki, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu as a child and his father is also God the Father or Zupitri, namely Brahma. Krishna is God or the son of God, just as Christ. The German historian of religion, such as Bruno Freydank, Prof. Rudolf Seydel, Dr. Hubbe-Scheiden, Th. Schultze, K.E. Neumann proved that true Christianity is also closely linked with Hinduism.

They ensure that Christianity grew out of Hinduism and Buddhism.

This can be explained by similarities with what we encounter in the story of Hercules; named Zeus his Father, but his father was Amphitryon-human. Similarly Jesus, according to Matthew, in addition to the Son of God is also called the son of Joseph. The oldest fairy tale called Amphitryon Hercules called Alkmene fiance. Similarly preached the Gospel of Matthew.

Equation teachings and Greek fables with the teachings of the Church so much, so as many scholars argue that the stories in the Gospels are essentially myths made-up man.

Most kristolog prove that there is a relationship between Christian teachings with Greek myth, the majority again proves that there is a close relationship between Hindu tales and teachings of the Church. For them, the teachings and Hindu myths have been applied as well as clothing and jewelry called Christian West, but the basic framework remains Hinduism. Th. J. Plange said:

"We did not get any news when we get that the incarnation of God made flesh, the Lord fall upon the earth to atone for his creatures, which is essentially Hindu. Everyone will know when they read the book Hindu. So sacred books of Christianity drawn from Hindu tales, Krishna and Buddha of the story, is very possible and can be considered almost certain. In the second unification of religious tales from India are important, it is easy to find again throughout the four Christian Gospels important.

Finally opened to the expert's secrets. Indeed, Sanskrit and fairy-tale along with language and Greek fables. Both of these streams, Greek and Hindu, in some measure, have affected Christianity. However, the question is, how the teachings and these myths into the New Testament? Many scholars express their opinions.

David Friedrich Strauze said that the myths of the New Testament will arise because the Gospel writers, that the prophecies in the Old Testament must be fulfilled. So is the miracle of Jesus, he said, are manifestations of a fairy tale. He presented his book 'Das Leben Jesu' or 'CVs Jesus', that the history of Jesus is divided into two parts, namely "Jesus within the confines of history" and "history of fairy tales in the incidence and growth of Jesus" the last tale explains how the emergence of Jesus as the only begotten Son of God who came down to redeem the sins of mankind, where it comes from the story of the way the sky and stopped in place the birth of Jesus, how the onset of the fulfillment of prophecy in the New Testament are imposed, because it must be the promised Messiah son of David, the Gospel writers have made a mistake when it says that Jesus is the father of Joseph, Mary's fiancé comes from a derivative of David, while Joseph was not the father of Jesus, because Jesus was declared to be the Son of God the Father by the Gospel writers.

Similarly Strausz argues, that it also proves that the New Testament is not a book of record at the time of Jesus, but it was not written long after Jesus died. He said that the myths that arise unconsciously.

The New Testament was written with additional myths that formed unconsciously in the Christian community, as a statement to meet the coming of the Messiah promised in the Old Testament ... According Strausz, when people came to see Jesus, at first in small amounts, then a lot, they think that anything should happen to him as the prophesied and described in the Old Testament ... For the Messiah son of David shall be as Micah prophesied, then it must be born in Bethlehem. Because Moses had done miracles, then Jesus must also perform miracles. Because Isaiah predicted that at that time the blind will see, the deaf will be able to hear, the lame will leap like a stag, and the tongue of the mute will speak, then the people have learned to-detail kedetil wonders what to do Jesus, when was he the long-awaited Messiah was. While scholars who pioneered Bauer argues that Philo was the one who helped form the medium responsible for introducing Greek elements such as Plato (428-389 Seb-M),

Heraclitus and Stoicism to Christianity. The Jews of Alexandria who is also set container combine Christianity with the Greek teachings with Judaism, which then 'copied' by the Gospel writers. Works of Philo is a preliminary contribution to the Jewish teachings of Christianity; Jewish philosophers have been working on Greek philosophy in such a way that an early form of Christianity, to continue the works of Heraclius, Plato and Stoicism.

Disputes regarding the Trinity stems from the philosophy of Neoplatonism who has been put in the Gospel of John to take the term "Logos" is derived from Plato's, as God incarnating himself into a human. The elements most striking Neoplatonism can be learned from the Gospel of John. Gospel is most interesting, because shortly after the onset of AD, and separately, not simultaneously contents with three Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. Therefore they make sure that John is not a disciple of Jesus, but one who has never known at the time of Jesus.

When John begins his Gospel with "In the beginning was the Logos (or Word Kalam) ... And so on, then surely John did not write an eye witness of the deeds and teachings of Jesus, as the Logos theory is not the tradition of the Old Testament, but from the language of Greek philosophy. With these words John had brought the Neoplatonic philosophy of Philo and others. They have screwed up word 'word' from the Old Testament with the 'Logos' of Plato and the Platonists.

The word 'word' in the Old Testament, which reads "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made" (Psalms, 33:6) by the Neoplatonists equated with the Logos entered by the Gospel writers into the New Testament. God's Word or command has been used as the Logos or God himself, "that all things were made by Him." Logos or God himself has become human flesh or sound as the Gospel of John. With that philosophy, Jesus was the incarnation of the Logos made flesh.

Jesus has made God the Son therefore is God as well. While the doctrine of the Trinity itself derived from the Gospel of John, "For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one ..." (John 1: 5-7).

The most surprising is that, teaching is a human incarnation of God became incarnate form, is understood incarnation in Hinduism. So inevitably they conclude the Gospel of John is clearly understood Hinduism enter into Christian doctrine through Greek philosophy. Besides the teachings of the Trinity, the doctrine of penance and so on, is also a sacrament, originating from Hinduism, the newborn child baptized in the river Ganges or the holy water.

Origen (185-254), a Father of the Church in Alexandria, for example, actually believes in the teachings of Hindu reincarnation. The scientists investigated and concluded that Hinduism missions have up to Greece and Alexandria, before Jesus was born (O. Hashem: 1984).

Disputes regarding the Trinity and then extends to doing congresses (Council of Nicaea) to discuss the divinity of Jesus reaches of time for centuries and divisive and killings for those who do not agree on the power flow. Various series of historical facts and events over a lesson for us that, the more clearly the existence of Christianity is no longer tenable argument that it also includes religious revelation.

Sources: peperonity...


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